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New and little known land snails from Sicily (Mollusca Gastropoda)  211

    Figures 18-20. Shell (limacella) of T. marinellii n.sp., holotypus, h: 7.65 mm - D: 5.05 mm. Figure 21. Geographic
  distribution of Tandonia marinellii n. sp (circles) and T. sowerbyi (squares) in Sicily (personal data). Figures 22-24.
 Typus of Palizzolia monterosati (MHNG BGT 2385), h: 4.5 mm - D: 3.8 mm, thickness 2.2 mm. Figure 25. Original
label of P. monterosati (MHNG BGT 2385). Figure 26. Four sequential visions of the ampoule rotated progressively so

                      that to allow the overall vision of the label of P. monterosati (MHNG BGT 2385).

    Giusti et al. (1995) note that Tandonia shells are  for univocal taxonomic attribution. At Calatafimi,
generally thicker and oval, however examination of      locus typicus of P. monterosati, we surveyed M. ni-
the Palizzolia monterosati type (MHNG BGT               gricans (Philippi, 1851) and T. marinellii n. sp., but
2385) (Figs. 22-26) does not provide indications        the presence of M. gagates and T. sowerbyi cannot
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