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Malva arborea (L.) Webb. et Berthel. [= Lavatera
arborea L.) - H bienn - Mediterranean-Atlantic: Hyoscyamus albus L. - T scap - Mediterranean-
PRE (LS-SP1, LS-SP2; A-JS1) Macaronesian: GAL (LS-SP2; A-JS1)
Malva multiflora (Cav.) Soldano, Banfi et
Galasso [= Lavatera cretica L.] - T scap - Mediter- Mandragora autumnalis Bertol. - H ros -
ranean: PRE (A-JS1) Mediterranean: PRE (LS-SP1, LS-SP2; A & ES1)
Solanum lycopersicum L. (= Lycopersicon escu-
lentum Mill.) - T scap - Casual alien: PRE (A & ES1)
Limonium aegusae Brullo - Ch suffr - endemic Parietaria lusitanica L. - H scap - Tethyan-
of Favignana: ROT (A-JS2) European: PRE (LS-SP2)
Limonium bocconei (Lojac.) Litard. - Ch suffr - Urtica membranacea Poir. - T scap - Mediter-
NW Sicilian endemic: PRE (LS-SP2) ranean-Macaronesian: PRE (A-JS1)
Limonium lojaconoi Brullo - Ch suffr - NW Two sea-grasses, Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria)
Sicilian endemic: FLE (LS-SP3) Asch. and Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, quite
common along the coasts of Egadi islands (Giac-
Limonium ponzoi (Fiori et Bég.) Brullo - Ch cone et al., 1985) and present near all the considered
suffr - W Sicilian endemic: FLE (LS-SP3) islets, do not figure within the list. The symbol
† underlines that Halimione portulacoides and
POACEAE Sporobolus pungens, were no more observed in
GAL. Considering their perennial life-cycle, the
Avena cfr. barbata Link - T scap - Tethyan- very little size of both their local population and the
Pontic: PRE (A-JS1) islet, they must be considered as locally extinct and
therefore excluded from further data elaboration.
Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) P. Beauv. - H
caesp - Mediterranean: FLE (LS-SP3) Main structural and floristic patterns of
local plant communities
Catapodium pauciflorum (Merino) Brullo,
Giusso, Minissale et Spampinato - T scap - CW The distribution and the floristic assemblage of
Mediterranean: FLE (LS-SP3) the observed plant communities firstly depends on
the size and the topography (e.g. flat areas, rocky
Catapodium rigidum C.E. Hubb. subsp. rigidum - cliffs, even or steep shores, etc.) of the islets.
T scap - Tethyan-European: FLE (LS-SP3)
The natural landscape of PRE is also shaped by
Dactylis glomerata Roth. L. subsp. hispanica the disturbance induced by a huge breeding colony
(Roth) Nyman - H caesp - Mediterranean: FLE of yellow-legged seagulls (at least 60 pairs), which
(SP0; LS-SP3) causes important changes on both the structure and
chemistry of the soil due to trampling and to organic
Hordeum leporinum Link - T scap - Mediter- matter input, respectively (see Caldarella et al.,
ranean-European: PRE (LS-SP2) 2010, and references therein). In fact, the northern
half of its inland area (Fig. 6), where most part of
Lagurus ovatus L. s.l. - T scap - Mediterranean- the nesting sites are concentrated, holds a ruderal
Atlantic: PRE (AS & JS 1) community referred to Stellarietea mediae R. Tx.
Lohmeyer et Preising ex von Rochow 1951, rather
Parapholis incurva (L.) C.E. Hubb. - T scap - rich in annual pioneer plants which are quite com-
Tethyan-Eurosibirian: PRE (LS-SP2); GAL (LS- mon in disturbed places, arable lands and in fallow
SP2); FLE (SP0; LS-SP3) communities; among them, Malva arborea and
Carduus pycnocephalus are the most common and
Parapholis pycnantha (Hack.) C.E. Hubb. - T dominant species.
scap - CW Mediterranean: FLE (LS-SP3)
†Sporobolus pungens (Schreb.) Kunth - G rhiz
- Holarctic-Paleotropical: GAL (LS-SP2)
Ranunculus bullatus L. - G bulb - R - Mediter-
ranean: PRE (LS-SP2)
Valantia muralis L. - T scap - R - Mediter-
ranean: PRE (LS-SP2); FLE (LS-SP3)