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Characterization of Sicilian honeys                                                   171

Fig. 1. Dendrogram of the cluster analysis of volatile compounds of Sicilian honeys.

Conclusion                                                              References

This work is a preliminary investigation into honeys produced in        ALISSANDRAKIS, E; DAFERERA, D; TARANTILIS, P A; POLISSIOU, M;
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a statistical analytical approach. From the economic standpoint,              volatile compounds from citrus flowers and citrus honey. Food
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properties may result in an increase of the commercial value.           ANKLAM, E (1998) A review of the analytical methods to determine
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Acknowledgements                                                               63 (4), 549–562.

This work was partially funded by Ce.R.T.A. s.c.r.l. (Centri Regionali  ANKLAM, E; RADOVIC, B S (2001) Suitable analytical methods for
per le Tecnologie Alimentari;                determining the origin of European honey. American
                                                                              Laboratory, 60–64.

                                                                        ANONYMOUS: Council Directive 2001/110/EC (2001) Relating to
                                                                               honey, Official Journal of the European Communities.

                                                                        AOAC (1990) Official methods of analysis, 962, 19-1033.
                                                                        AUBERT, S; GONNET, M (1983) Mesure de la couleur des miels.

                                                                              Apidologie 14, 105-118.
                                                                        BELITZ, H D; GROSCH, W (1987) Use of carotenoids in food

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