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84                                               Short Communications                                        Vol. 31 , No. 1

          J  Raptor Res. 31(1):84—86
           © 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.

                                           Migration of Flocks of Honey Buzzards in
                                                      Southern Italy and Malta

                                                           Nicolantonio Agostini
                                      Via Carlo Alberto n.4, 89046 Marina di Gioiosa Jonica (RC         Italy
                                                              Daniela Logozzo

                                       Via A. Oramsci n.26, 89046 Marina di Gioiosa Jonica (RC), Italy

                                                               Charles Colero

                                         Birdlife Malta (MOS), P.0. Box 498 Valletta, CMR 01 Malta

          Key WORDS:      Honey Buzzards; Pernis apivorus; migration;      peak numbers of buzzards are observed between the end
          flocking behavior, orientation; navigation.                      of August and the beginning of September.
                                                                              Adult Honey Buzzards migrate using this route and
             Honey Buzzards    (Pernis apivorus) frequently migrate in     probably use the same route in spring, crossing the cen-
          flocks that become concentrated in narrow coastal areas          tral Mediterranean between Sicily and Tunisia (Agostini
           (Cramp and Simmons 1980, Kerlinger 1989). During mi-            et al. 1994a, Agostini and Logozzo 1995b). This assump-
          gration over the central Mediterranean, they use mainly          tion is supported by observations on the island of Mar-
          two routes. One route is from Sicily to Tunisia and the          ettimo (western Sicily), where large flocks of buzzards are
          second route goes across a larger stretch of sea via the         seen between the end of August and the beginning of
          islands of Malta (Moreau 1953, Beaman and Galea 1974,            September (Zangirolami pers. comm.). Unlike adults,
          Brown et al. 1982, Agostini et al. 1994b). In autumn, a          young buzzards appear to concentrate on the island of
          major concentration of buzzards occurs in the Calabrian          Malta (Agostini and Logozzo 1995b)         after the second
          Apennines (southern Italy), where the distance between           week of September (Beaman and Galea 1974) This study
          the Tyrrhenian and Jonian coasts is narrowest (Agostini          was undertaken to determine if flocks of immature buz-
          and Logozzo 1995a, 1995b). As at the Strait of Gibraltar         zards on Malta result because young birds stopover on
          and the Bosphorus Porter and Willis 1968, Bernis 1973),          the island during periods of bad weather or if they con-

          Figure 1.   Seasonal occurrence of migrating Honey Buzzards in the Calabrian Apennines in summer and autumn
          of 1995.
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