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          86                                              Short Communications                                        Vol. 31, No. 1

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             Raptor Res. 31(l):86-88
           © 1997 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.

                                       Nesting-Tree Preference and Nesting Success of

                                             Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks in Japan

                                                               Mutsuyuki Ueta
                                                   Research Center, Wild Bird Society ofJapan,
                                                 2-35-2 Minamidaira, Hino, Tokyo 1 91, Japan

          Key Words:     Accipiter gularis; Pinus densiflora; Japanese     nese Lesser Sparrowhawks are important in predicting
          Lesser Sparrowhawk; Japanese red pine, nesting success', nest tree  future populations of this hawk in Japan, I examined the
          preference.                                                      nest-tree preferences of Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks
                                                                           and determined whether such preferences influence
            Japanese Lesser Sparrowhawks       ( Accipiter gularis) breed  nesting success.
          throughout northeastern Asia (Brown and Amadon
          1968). It has been shown that tree plantings in lowland
          areas are important breeding sites for this hawk in Japan          The study was conducted from 1987-94 at 16 groves
                                                                           of trees in suburban areas of Tokyo. The groves were
          (Endo et al. 1991) and these hawks mainly nest in Japa-
                                                                           isolated and ranged from 1-4 ha in area. They were
          nese red pines    Pinus densiflora) (Endo and Hirano 1990,
                                                                           mainly coppices composed primarily of Japanese chest-
          Hirano and Kimizima 1992). Because prey abundance
                                                                           nut oak    Quercus acutissima), Storax   Styrax japonica) and
                                                                                     (                             (
          does not seem to be limiting (Hirano and Kimizima 1992,
                                                                           Sawara cypress    Chamaecyparis pisifera)
          Ueta 1992), the availability of nest sites may be an im-           To determine      nest-site preference, use by sparrow-
          portant factor limiting the population ofJapanese Lesser         hawks and the availability of different tree species were
          Sparrowhawks (Ueta 1996). Because nest sites of Japa-            compared. I excluded nests in which the hawks did not
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