Page 4 - Agostini_alii_1997
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March 1997                                      Short Communications                                                        85

                                                                     September 1993
                                                    M. Covello                                    Malta

          Figure 2.   Variations in migration of Honey Buzzards from 14-30 September 1993 on Mount Covello and Malta.

          gregate until adult buzzards can show them the shortest          grating in flocks of adults. This would explain why the
          route across the Mediterranean.                                  Honey Buzzard     is commonly seen in Malta, where the
                                                                           African coasts are more than 400 km away.
          Study Area and Methods                                             Flocking behavior might have another function. Stud-
                                                                           ies carried out on the Cap Bon promontory (Tunisia)
             Migrating Honey Buzzards were counted in the Cala-
          brian Apennines and from a post on the slopes of Mount           during the spring migration of Honey Buzzards and
          Covello (elevation 700 m) from 24 August-5 October               Black Kites  (  Milvus migrans) have shown that these rap-
          1993 and 1995. Buzzards were also counted on the Island          tors cross the Channel of Sicily more frequently when
          of Malta. There, the observation post was situated on the        migrating in large flocks (Agostini and Duchi 1994, Agos-
          highest point on the island (approximately 250 m eleva-          tini et al. 1994a). This behavior suggests that flocking is
          tion) from 6 September-5 October 1993 and 1995. A                important for water crossing because an increase in flock
          total of 334 hr of observations were tallied at Mount Cov-       size increases the probability the journey over water will
          ello using 10 X 50 binoculars and a total of 188 and 177         be successfully completed      (Agostini and Duchi 1994,
          hr of observation were tallied using 10 X 40 binoculars          Agostini et al. 1994b).
          on the Island of Malta in 1993 and 1995, respectively.

          Results                                                          Resumen.—Observaciones de Pernis apivorus emigrando

             A total of 1095 Honey Buzzards were counted in the            a traves de el centro Mediterranean fueron hechos en los
          Calabrian Apennines and more than 90% were observed              Calabrian Apennines (el sur de Italy) del 24 de agosto-
          between 24 August-12 September. The number of mi-                5 de octubre 1995,   y  en Malta del 6 de septiembre-5 de
          grating buzzards showed a bimodal distribution with              octubre 1993   y  1995. En los Calabrian Apennines, 1095
          peaks occurring in late August and after the first week of
                                                                           P. apivorus fueron observados, con un maximo de 237
          September (Fig. 1). In both years, there was overlap in
                                                                           pajaros emigrando e el 7 de septiembre. Casi todos los
          the migration periods of adult and juvenile buzzards but
                                                                           P. apivorus fueron observados entre el 24 de agosto-12
          over twice as many adults were observed in both years
          (adults =  346, juveniles = 136). In 1995, the number of         de septiembre. En Malta, 483    y  83 P. apivorus fueron con-
          adults observed was also significantly greater than in 1993      tados en 1993      1995, respectivamente, con casi todos
          (X  = 6.38, P< 0.05).                                            contados despues del 15 de septiembre. Estos resultados
             A total of 483 Honey Buzzards were counted on the
                                                                           proponen que P. apivorus jovenes aprenden la ruta mas
          Island of Malta in 1993 but only 88 were counted in 1995.
                                                                           corta para cruzar    el centro Mediterranian durante el
          More than 97% of them were observed in September and
                                                                           primer ano de migracion cuando van en bandadas con
          this corresponded with counts in the Calabrian Apen-
                                                                           adultos que han hecho la migracion antes.
          nines (Fig. 2).
                                                                                               [Traduccion de Raul De La Garza, Jr.]
             Some authors have shown that migrating birds orient           Acknowledgments
          better when they fly in groups (Keeton 1970, Rabol and
                                                                             We are greatly indebted to Paul Portelli, Francesco
          Noer 1973, Wallraff 1978, Von Helbig and Laske 1986),
          especially when groups contain adults that can show to           Cecere and Alberto Zangirolami for their valuable collab-
          correct migration route (Kerlinger 1989). Our observa-           oration. Our particular gratitude goes to Allen Fish,
          tions suggest that juvenile Honey Buzzards learn the             Keith Bildstein and Javier Bustamante for their useful
          shortest route to cross the central Mediterranean by mi-         comments on the manuscript.
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