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Is there a future for Offshore Wind Energy Plants in Sicily?

                                                 Sesto Avolio, Carmelo Ferrara
                                         Eolica s.r.l. - Via Sergio Forti, 23 - 00144 Roma
                                        Phone + 39 06 5224 6112 - Fax + 39 06 5224 8883
                                         e-mail: eolica@ - web:


                  The situation of wind deployment in Sicily today is ‡complex· : a lot of initiatives have been announced
                  from time to time, but as of today only small attempts have seen the light. This can be due to the lack
                  of areas really competitive from the wind resource standpoint.
                  However, along the West Coast of Sicily, ‡standard·  orographic situations can be found, where the wind
                  resource decreases as far as we move inland out of the coast. In these cases it is possible to extrapolate
                  offshore the anemometric data acquired onshore, applying recognised models and utilising the several
                  met stations useful for the purpose.
                  A preliminary study concerning the feasibility of an Offshore Wind Energy plant in the coastal area of
                  Trapani has been performed.


                  If the past was so bright and the present is so grey, there is any reason why there should be no rainbow
                  in the future ?


                  Off-shore; Wind Energy; Sicily; Aeolus; Trapani; Salt ponds; Modelling; Eolica

                                                                   winds except the one that was going  to  take  him
                  THE PAST
                                                                   home. In sight of Ithaca, Odysseus fell asleep and
                                                                   Odysseus's sailors, thinking the bag contained gold,
                  The first wind settlement in the history was in
                  Sicily: AEOLUS, Keeper of the Winds in Greek     opened it and were at once blown back to Aeolia.
                  mythology, "lived on the floating island Aeolia   There Aeolus was very angry and refused  to  help
                  with his six sons and six daughters. The god Zeus   them again."
                  had  given  him  the  power to still and arouse the
                  winds.                                           Some  comments  can arise from this short

                                                                   -  Aeolia was a floating island,  so  the  first
                                                                      wind settlement was off-shore;
                                                                   -  If there will never be a "Wind Authority" or
                                                                      a "Wind Dispatcher" (or any other modern
                                                                      name that correspond to  "Keeper  of  the
                                                                      Winds"), then it has to be located here;
                                                                   -  In the "Wind Business" you can never fell

                  Homer narrates that when the Greek hero Odysseus
                  visited  Aeolus, he was welcomed as an honoured   SICILY
                  guest. As a parting gift, Aeolus gave  him  a    "The island of Sicily is a place of contrasts: from the
                  favouring wind and a leather bag filled with all the
                                                                   crumbling  grandeur of its capital, Palermo, to the
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