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Greek ruins at Syracuse, volatile Mt Etna and the their first 8 years of life. 720 MW of wind
Aeolian Islands. Squatting strategically in the power plants had been admitted to this scheme,
Mediterranean, and its largest island, Sicily, has and 30 MW of these were in Sicily.
attracted waves of invaders and colonisers, whose In our knowledge none of the 450 MW
detritus include Greek temples, Roman ruins, remaining to be built will be installed in Sicily.
Norman churches and castles, and Arab and
Byzantine domes. Sicilians remain strongly tied to Furthermore, in the second half of 1995 and in
1996, other initiatives had been announced by
the land..."
private investors in Sicily for a total of 494.8
Announcement MW
1995 - 2 Semester 185.80
1996 - 1 Semester 259.00
1996 - 2 Semester 50.00
Total 494.80
Table 2: Wind power plants announced in Sicily (not
approved under the CIP 6 incentives scheme
[source: ENEA, 1999]
In 1998 the regional government of Sicily
launched a call for proposals in the frame of
the so called POP '94-'99 (Multi-funded
Operational Plan) that was foreseen to provide
Grants to the realisation of Renewable Energy
÷ so why should just Wind Energy in Sicily go Power Plants.
off shore?
Around 55 MW of wind power plants had been
included in the rank of this call, but, in our
knowledge, none was finally approved.
The situation of wind deployment in Sicily
today is ‡complex· : a lot of initiatives have OFF SHORE
been announced from time to time, but as of
today only small attempts have seen the light.
Wind resources over the open sea (more than
10 km offshore) according to Risà are shown in
In fact, at the end of the last millennium a total
of 286 MW of wind power plants had been
installed in Italy: only 750 kW are in Sicily.
Region MW
Piemonte 0.15
Emilia Romagna 3.50
Umbria 1.50
Marche 0.22
Abruzzo 12.54
Molise 2.76
Campania 133.98
Puglia 108.35
Calabria 0.64 Figure1.
Sicilia 0.75
Sardegna 22.53 Figure 1: Offshore Wind Resources [source: Risø,
Total 286.91
Table 1: Wind power plants installed in Italy by the From the map it can be argued that only the sea
end of 1999 [source: ISES Italia, 2000] facing the coast of Trapani and Marsala can
The main incentive to the diffusion of wind have winds in the range from 6.0 to 7.0 m/s (at
energy in Italy has been the so called CIP 6 10 m a.s.l.) - with bona pax of Aeolus whose
scheme, giving a premium price to the kWh island only gets 4.5-6.0 m/s. Besides, it must be
produced through renewable energy plants in pointed out that along the West Coast of Sicily