Page 4 - CAPPARIS_2006
P. 4

Volume 93, Number 1                     Inocencio et al.                    125
            2006                                    Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis

                  Distribution  World  New  World  New  World  New  World  Old  World  Old  World  New

                                   Jacq.       HBK,                  ex       guayaquilensis

                  species  HBK,  incana  Rendle.  &  pulcherrima  macrophylla  Brown umbellata  C.

                  Representative  C.  L.,  Rawc.  (L.)  C.  Jacq.,  C.  DC.,  DC.  C.  L.,  DC.  L.,  Lam.

                     ferruginea  indica  nemorosa  brasiliana  cuneata  L.  spinosa  sepiaria  incanescens  cynophallophora  amplissima

                     C.  C.        C.          C.  C.        C.      C.  C.   C.  C.

              section  wide)  cm  although  some  persistent.  flowers  Sepals  compound  although  some  and  wide)  with  Fruit  flowers  or  wide)  cm  inflorescences.  Flowers  cross  in  compound  although  some  and  wide)  or  50).  section.

              Capparis  0.3  than  compound  or  corymbs),  in  appear  stamens  section.  and  inflorescences  solitary  individuals.  numerous  with  section.  cross  or  simple  corymbs),  in  appear  cm  0.3  Flowers  short.  with  Plants  galeate  not  stamens numerous  0.3  than  large.  or  rounded  or  simple  corymbs),  in  appear  cm  0.3  gland  basal  (. stamens  cross

              contextualize  Characters  (more  large  simple  umbels,  may  axil individuals. Sepals triangular, sharp; gynophore always  numerous  cross  wide)  cm  compound  although  some  in  Flowers  in rounded  in Flowers  umbels,  may  axil  than  (more  gland.  without  Gynophore  axils.  leaf  sepal  abaxial  with  (more  large  corymbose  short  very  Fruit  50).  (.  in Flo

              to     Leaves  in  Flowers  (racemes,  leaf  the  with  in  0.3  than  or  corymbs),  appear  pointed.  Fruit  (racemes,  leaf  the  large  oval  50).  (.  section.  at  Flowers  Leaves  in  Flowers  gynophore  stamens  (racemes,  leaf  the  large  ovate  with  Fruit
              order        at  Flowers  rounded  simple  may  thorny.  at  Leaves  Sepals  stamens  solitary  zygomorphic,  thorny.  at  Leaves  Sepals  large.
              in     unarmed.  persistent.  flowers  Fruit  (more  in  umbels,  axil  and  50).  (.  flowers  cross  in  always  galeate.  unarmed.  persistent.  rounded;  numerous  flowers  Flowers
              presented  Branches  and  inflorescences  solitary  short.  very  50).  (.  large  Leaves  Flowers  (racemes,  leaf  the  at  linear,  thin,  stamens  generally  inflorescences  solitary  individuals.  persistent.  numerous  rounded  Flowers  slightly  slightly  50).  (.  Branches  and  Sepals  with  section.  generally  inflorescences  solitary  individuals.  persistent.

              Capparis                         Stems                          Stems

              division                                               Subsect.

              infrageneric  rank  DC.          DC.                   (5  Span.  Monostichocalyx

              Tentative  Infrageneric  (Plum.)  DC.                  (DC.)  Sect.  DC.,  DC.

              1.     Breyniastrum  Calanthea   Capparidastrum  Capparis  Corymbosae  Corymbosae  p.p.)  Cynophalla
              Table                                                      Radlk,
                     Sect.         Sect.       Sect.         Sect.   Sect.    Sect.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9