Page 9 - CAPPARIS_2006
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130 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
Pseudocroton Mu ¨ll. Arg. Flora 55: 24. 1872. TYPE: very lax). Mediterranean Europe, North Africa,
Pseudocroton tinctorius Mu ¨ll. Middle East into India [Afghanistan, Albania,
Quadrella (DC.) J. S. Presl, in Berchtold & J. S. Presl., Algeria, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece,
Prirozenosti Rostlin 2: 260. 1825. TYPE: Quadrella India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan,
crotonoides (Kunth) J. S. Presl. (5 Capparis crotonoides Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 95. 1821). Spain, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
Sodada Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab: 81. 1775. TYPE: Sodada Uzbekistan, Yemen] ......... ..... 8. C. sicula
decidua Forssk. 9b. Shrub procumbent or somewhat erect; stipules
Uterveria Bertoloni, Pl. Nov. Hort. Bonon. 2: 8. 1839. TYPE: usually weak or vestigial, rarely stout; indument
Uterveria frondosa Bertol. on leaves always very lax. Mediterranean Europe,
Middle East into Turkey [France, Greece, Italy,
Spain, Turkey] . . . .......... .... 9. C. spinosa
Capparis section Capparis TYPE: Capparis spinosa L. 8b. Flowers slightly zygomorphic; abaxial sepal
slightly galeate only to 1.4 cm long, to 0.6 cm
A total of 10 species and 12 subspecies of economic
deep. Middle East [Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq,
relevance are recognized, distributed in the tropical, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan] ......
subtropical, and Mediterranean zones of both hemi- .... .......... .......... .. 7. C. parviflora
spheres. Widely represented in Asia, and reaching 2b. Stipules mostly antrorse in orientation ....... . 10
10a. Shrub pendulous; mature leaves ovate; texture
southern Europe, eastern, northern, and southwestern
subcoriaceous; stipules curved. North Africa
Africa. A key for the species and recognized
[Algeria, Chad, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia] .....
nothospecies of Capparis sect. Capparis is presented .... .......... .......... ..... 6. C. ovata
here. 10b. Shrub erect; mature leaves oblong to obovate;
texture somewhat coriaceous; stipules setaceous.
South Africa [Namibia] ....... . 3. C. hereroensis
1a. Plants unarmed, or with stipules vestigial or 1. Capparis aegyptia Lam., Encycl. Method. Bot. I:
caducous. Mediterranean Europe and North 605. 1783. Capparis spinosa var. aegyptia (Lam.)
Africa [Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Boiss., Fl. orient. 1: 420. 1867. TYPE: [Egypt]
Libya, Malta, Spain, Turkey] ..... .. 5. C. orientalis
1b. Plants always spiny . .......... .......... . 2 ‘‘Lipi a ´ observe ´ ce Caprier en Egypte (v.s. in herb
2a. Stipules retrorse to horizontally oriented ....... . 3 Isn.)’’ (lectotype, designated here, P-JU!: speci-
3a. Leaf texture somewhat fleshy .... .......... . 4 men on sheet 11,248 right).
4a. Twigs yellow or gray-green, not glaucous, without
waxy bloom; stipules golden yellow, not de- Capparis sinaica Veill., in Duhamel, Traite ´ Arbr. Arbust. Ed.
current. Middle East [Afghanistan, Iran, Oman, 2, Vol. I: 144. 1801. TYPE: [Egypt] ‘‘Habite. L’Arabie
Tajikistan, United Arab Emirates]. . ........ pe ´tre ´e, sur le Mont Sinai et les montagnes qui
..... .......... ......... 4. C. mucronifolia l’environnent, aupre `s du village du Pharagou, et sur
4b. Twigs green to red-purple, or glaucous due to les chemins entre le Mont Sinai et le cha ˆteau ou la ville
a waxy covering; stipules orange, decurrent .... . 5 de Tor, situe ´s sur la mer Rouge, ou ´ il a e ´te ´ observe ´ par
5a. Shrubs erect; stipules strongly decurrent. Medi- Belo ´n, Rauwolf et Shaw’’ (lectotype, t. 112 in Shaw,
terranean Europe, North Africa, Middle East into Cat. Pl. Variis Afr. 1738!, designated by Rivera et al.
Turkey [Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Jordan, 2003a: 308–309).
Lebanon, Morocco, Spain, Syria, Turkey] ..... Capparis deserti (Zohary) Ta ¨ckh. & Boulos, Publ. Cairo
..... .......... .......... .. 10. C. zoharyi Univer. Herb., 5: 14. 1972 [1974]. Capparis spinosa L.
5b. Shrub procumbent, or somewhat erect or pendu- var. deserti Zohary, Bull. Res. Coun. Israel 8D: 56.
lous; stipules decurrent to not decurrent ....... . 6 1960. TYPE: [Israel] Wadi Nosz, entrance to Wadi
6a. Shrub pendulous; leaves lanceolate to ovate- Lehiani (Bir Derheba), 27 Mar. 1944, P. H. Davis & N.
lanceolate. North Africa [Algeria, Chad, Libya, Feinbrun 5076–7 (holotype, HUJ!).
Morocco, Tunisia] . . .......... .... 6. C. ovata
6b. Shrub procumbent or somewhat erect; leaves Shrub somewhat erect, glabrous; twigs straight, up
rounded or obovate to ovate ..... .......... . 7
7a. Shrub procumbent; twigs purple-red; without to 3 m long, gray or blue green due to waxy cover that
waxy bloom; leaves rounded, tip acute, base appears over the entire plant; internodes 1.5–4 cm;
rounded to cordate. North Africa [Morocco] . . . stipules curved, retrorse, slightly decurrent, orange,
..... .......... .......... .. 2. C. atlantica 0.3–0.4 cm long, 0.1–0.2 cm wide at the base. Leaves
7b. Shrubs somewhat erect; twigs gray-green or obovate to ovate, 2–3 3 1.8–3 cm, somewhat fleshy;
glaucous, with waxy bloom; leaves obovate to
ovate, bases and apices rounded. North Africa, leaf veins not prominent; bases and apices rounded;
Middle East into India [Egypt, India, Israel, mucro very small, 0.1–0.5 mm, straight or curved;
Jordan, Saudi Arabia] ......... .. 1. C. aegyptia petioles 0.5–1 cm. Flower buds rounded; floral
3b. Leaf texture herbaceous ........ .......... . 8 pedicels stout, 2.5–4 cm; flowers slightly zygomor-
8a. Flowers zygomorphic; abaxial sepal helmet-
shaped, 1.7–2.5 cm long, 0.7–1.2 cm deep ..... . 9 phic; abaxial (odd) sepal slightly galeate at apex, 1.4–
9a. Shrub procumbent; stipules usually stout; pubes- 1.6 cm long, 0.6–0.8 cm deep; stamens 30 to 80,
cence on leaves from lax to very dense (rarely anthers 1.2–1.5 mm, with rounded apices. Fruit