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Volume 93, Number 1 Inocencio et al. 135
2006 Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis
turcicum/ 1982–93/ No 46/ Capparis spinosa L. v./ oblong-lanceolate, with marked longitudinal nerves
Maskatensis Hsk. & Bornm./ determ.:/ Arabia aus- (Fedtschenko & Fedtschenko, 1906).
tralis: in saxosis ad Maskat/ 1893. 25–5 legit: J. There is no designation of holotype by B.
Bornmu ¨ller.’’ Fedtschenko; the type materials cited are different
specimens collected by E. A. von Regel in south-
Selected specimens examined. AFGHANISTAN. Griffith,
Lemann 374 (K). IRAN. Bangar Langeh, Davis & Bokhari, D. western Tajikistan (former Bukhara region) during his
56176 (E); Chahbahar, Baluchistan, Runemar 22417 (E); travels in 1883. Therefore lectotypification is needed.
Zahedan, Gray-Wilson & Hewer 263 (K); Hormuz, J. Two sheets have been found by Vladimir Dorofeev in
Bornmu ¨ller 5 (K). OMAN. Istal, Wadi Bani Kharus, LE containing type material. The sheet with the
Radcliffe-Smith 4045 (K); Ruwi near Muscat, Miller 6003
(E). UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Hatta, Dubai, Western 267 lectotype contains the following label: I ‘‘A. Regel,
(E); Fujairah, Lumley 38 (K). Iter Turkestanicum/ In decliv. Orient. montium
Aryktau [am o ¨stlichen Abhange der Berge Aryktau]/
4b. Capparis mucronifolia Boiss. subsp. rosanovi- supra Horanty [ho ¨her als Goranty] 1200–2000’/ 3–15/
ana (B. Fedtsch.) Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obo ´n& VIII 1883.’’ The sheet with the paralectotype
Alcaraz, comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Capparis contains the labels: I ‘‘August 1883/ 14/ Sand-
rosanoviana B. Fedtsch., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. strecken zwischen Kurgantu ¨fe/ und Lechman, 1200–
20: 297. 1906. Capparis rosanoviana B. Fedtsch., 1300’/ (links Wachschufer).’’ II ‘‘A. Regel, Iter
Consp. Fl. Turk. Vol. II: 98. 1909. TYPE: Turkestanicum/ Sandstrecken zwischen Kur-/ gantu ¨fe
[Tajikistan] ‘‘Ost-Buchara: am o ¨stlichen Ab-
und Lechman 1200–1300’/ (links Wachschufer)’’
hange der Berge Aryktau, ho ¨her als Goranty,
auf Felsen, 1900–2000’, am 3. [5 15.] April
1883 (A. Regel!).’’ (lectotype, designated here, Selected specimens examined. TAJIKISTAN. Kadajian,
LE!). s.n. 277 (E); between Kurgan Tyube and Lechman, Regel s.n.
(LE); eastern slopes of Aryktau mountain, Regel s.n. (LE).
Shrub somewhat erect, well branched from base,
irregularly and widely spreading, up to 1 m high;
5. Capparis orientalis Veill., in Duhamel, Traite ´
twigs straight, erect or decumbent, up to 2 m long,
Arbr. Arbust. ed. 2, 1: 142. 1801. Capparis
yellowish or grayish green; internodes 1–2 cm;
spinosa L. subsp. orientalis (Veill.) Jafri, Flora of
stipules almost straight or somewhat curved, retrorse,
Libya, Vol. XII: 3. 1977. TYPE: ‘‘Capparis non
often spreading, not decurrent, yellow-golden, 0.2–
spinosa fructu majore C. Bauh. Pin. 480. . . ’’
0.4 cm long, 0.1–0.2 cm wide at the base. Leaves
(lectotype, designated by Rivera et al. (2006), the
oblong-lanceolate, 1.5–2 3 0.4–2 cm, somewhat
image in J. Bauhin, J. Cherler & D. Chabrey,
fleshy; indument very lax, trichomes thick and
Hist. Plant. Vol. II: 63. 1651!; epitype, desig-
long, 20–30 3 200–400 mm; leaf veins not prominent;
nated by Rivera et al. (2006), [Greece] Sokastro,
base usually rounded, apices acute; mucro long, 1– Dodecanese, Th. Raus 8382, E!).
1.5 mm, straight; petioles very short, 0.1–0.3 cm.
Flower buds rounded; usually with indument at least Capparis rupestris Sm., Fl. Graec. Prodr. Vol. I: 355. 1809.
at the base; floral pedicels slender, short, 2–3 cm; Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris (Sm.) Nyman,
flower shape unknown. Fruit unknown; ripe seeds Consp. Fl. Eur.: 68. 1878. C. spinosa L. var. rupestris
unknown. (Sm.) Hook. f. & Thoms., in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India
Vol. I: 173. 1872. TYPE: [Greece, Crete] ‘‘In Creta ˆ et
Antiparo insulis, ad rupes’’ (lectotype, designated here,
Illustrations. Bobrov (1939: 7, tab. 1, fig. 2; 1970:
8, tab. 1, fig. 2).
Phenology. Flowering and fruiting from July to Shrub pendulous or decumbent, sometimes reach-
August (Bobrov 1939: 3; 1970: 5). ing great dimensions in shaded sites, glabrous; twigs
Distribution and habitat. Irano-Turanian Region. straight, dark green, sometimes reaching more than
Middle East [Tajikistan]. At the eastern slope of the 3 m long; internodes 2–7 cm; plants unarmed,
mountains Aryktau, above Goranty and on the left occasionally vestigial stipules are early falling. Leaves
bank of the River Vakhsh, between Kurgan-Tyube and rounded, or somewhat ovate, 3–8.5 3 2.3–8 cm,
Lechman. Limestone, sunny rocky slopes, and sandy somewhat fleshy; leaf veins not prominent; base
substrata; from 600 to 1500 m. Also in the Kafimigan, rounded, sometimes cordate, apices obtuse, some-
Pani, and Amudarya river valleys, in southwestern times obcordate, rarely acute; mucro lacking or very
Tajikistan (Anonymous, 2005). small, 0.1–0.5 mm; petioles long, 1–2.5 cm. Flower
According to Regel (in sched., LE), the fresh buds rounded, rarely acute; floral pedicels thick and
flowers display a corolla with yellowish tints, and the long, 5–8 cm; flowers slightly zygomorphic; abaxial
staminal filaments are reddish. The dried fruits are (odd) sepal slightly galeate, 1–1.5 cm long, 0.6–