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140                                      Annals of the
                                                   Missouri Botanical Garden

          4b. Leaf almost glabrous; stipules somewhat curved,  Valimiu ´, Peloponessos, Hanson 67–1-1 (RNG). ITALY.
              retrorse or spreading, golden yellow contrasting  Basilicata, Potenza, Akeroyd 3328 (RNG); Gigerti, Agrigento,
              with the light color of twigs; anthers very small,  Tavalione s.n. (C). MOROCCO. Fez, Inocencio 60016 (MUB);
              1.6–2 mm ....... .. 8e. C. sicula subsp. sindiana  Khe ´niche `t, Inocencio 60014 (MUB); Mekne `s, Jury 15502
          2b. Leaves appearing white due to dense pubescence  (RNG); Sidi-Karcen, Inocencio 60017 (MUB). SPAIN.
              ..... .......... 8c. C. sicula subsp. leucophylla  Alicante: Reservoir of Amadoiro, Alcaraz 48705 (MUB);
                                                   La Alguen ˜a, Crevillente, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48683 (MUB).
            Distribution.  Figure 5.               Almerı´a: Santa Marı´a de Nieva, David 1017 (RNG); Nı´jar,
                                                   Inocencio & Alcaraz 48712 (MUB); Berja, Inocencio &
          8a. Capparis sicula subsp. sicula        Alcaraz 48710 (MUB); Can ˜ada de Ve ´lez, Orce, Inocencio &
                                                   Alcaraz 48714 (MUB); Las Cuadras de D. Pepe, Velez Rubio,
          Capparis spinosa var. canescens Coss., Anal. Sci. Nat., 11: 28.  Inocencio & Alcaraz 48682 (MUB); Los Lobos, Inocencio &
              1849. Capparis spinosa subsp. canescens (Coss.) A. &  Alcaraz 48723 (MUB); Church of Saliente, Chirivel, Inocencio
              O. Bolo `s, Misc. Fontsere: 88. 1961. Capparis ovata  & Alcaraz 48713 (MUB); Hue ´rcal-Overa, Inocencio & Alcaraz
              Desf. var. canescens (Coss.) Heywood, Feddes Repert.  48728 (MUB); Sero ´n, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48678 (MUB);
              69: 56. 1964. TYPE: [Spain] ‘‘In rupestribus oppiduli  Sierra de Gador, Valde ´s 813 (RNG). Ca ´diz: Jerez, Inocencio
              Buenavista prope Xerez (E. Bourgeau, pl. Esp. 1849.  & Alcaraz s.n. (MUB); Sanlu ´car, S. Silvestre 2524/68 (RNG).
              n. 43)’’ (lectotype, designated here, P!).  Granada: Castillejar, P. F. Cannon 692 (RNG); Mala ´,
          Capparis ovata var. palaestina Zohary, Bull. Res. Council  Gardner 1337 (RNG); Lanjaro ´n, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48718
              Israel 8D: 55. 1960. TYPE: [Israel] Upper Galilee,  (MUB); Reservoir of Negratı´n, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48703
              Wadi Hindaj, 25 June 1954, M. Zohary 110 (holotype,  (MUB); Guadix, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48712 (MUB); Loja,
              HUJ!).                               Inocencio & Alcaraz 48681 (MUB); Baza, Inocencio & Alcaraz
                                                   48680 (MUB); Salobren ˜a, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48717 (MUB).
            Shrub procumbent; twigs straight, sometimes reach-  Huesca: Velilla de Cinca, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48688
                                                   (MUB). Ma ´laga: Torre del Mar, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48688
          ing up to 3 m long, dark green; internodes 1.5–5 cm;
                                                   (MUB); Velez Ma ´laga, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48719 (MUB).
          stipules curved, retrorse, not decurrent, occasionally  Mallorca: from Palma de Mallorca to Andraitx, Inocencio &
          slightly decurrent, yellow-orange, 0.3–0.6 cm long,  Alcaraz 48726 (MUB). Murcia: Santa Cruz del Calvario,
          0.2–0.3 cm wide at the base. Leaves ovate, oblong or  Lange s.n. (C); Murcia, Lange s.n. (C); Venta del Olivo,
          elliptic, 3–5 3 2–4.5 cm, herbaceous; indument lax,  Inocencio & Alcaraz 48708 (MUB); Barinas, Inocencio &
                                                   Alcaraz 48704 (MUB); Albudeite, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48709
          trichomes thick and long, 20–50 3 400–800 mm; leaf
                                                   (MUB); Lorca, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48722 (MUB); Ye ´char,
          veins not prominent; base rounded or somewhat  Inocencio & Alcaraz 48711 (MUB). Jae ´n: Alcaudete,
          tapering, apices acute; mucro long, 1–1.5 mm, usually  Inocencio & Alcaraz 48721 (MUB); from Larva to Guadiana
          curved; petioles short, 1–1.5 cm. Flower buds acute;  Menor, Inocencio & Alcaraz 48727 (MUB); Jo ´dar, Inocencio &
                                                   Alcaraz 48720 (MUB). Sevilla: Osuna, Inocencio & Alcaraz
          floral pedicels thick and long, 5.5–7 cm; flowers
                                                   48679 (MUB); S of Spain, J. W. Carr 20706.6 (RNG).
          zygomorphic; abaxial (odd) sepal galeate, 1.7–2.5 cm  SYRIA. Djebel Casioun, Damascus, Sammuelsson 1518 (K).
          long, 0.7–1.2 cm deep; stamens 100 to 150, anthers  TURKEY. Ankara, Davis & Coode 37217 (E); Dardanelles,
          2.5–3 mm, with acute apices. Fruit oblong, pulp red;  s.n. (E); Denizli, K. Hormia 588 (RNG); Erzurum, Oltu,
          ripe seeds dark brown, 2.6–3 3 2.4–2.8 3 2–2.2 mm.  Baytop 14366 (E); Hakkari, Zab river, Trelawny 1305 (E);
                                                   Keslitu ¨rkmenli, Mersin, Hennipman 1073 (RNG); Pamuk-
            Illustrations.  Boccone (1674: 79, tab. 42. f. 3);  kale, Denizli, Baytop 10231 (E); Saraycik-Osmancik, Tobey
                                                   2569 (E).
          Zohary (1966: 359); Valde ´s et al. (1987: 374);
          Castroviejo et al. (1993: 520, pl. 142); Plitmann et  8b. Capparis sicula subsp. herbacea (Willd.)
          al. (1983: 81); O. Fragman et al. (2001: 312–3,  Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obo ´n & Alcaraz, stat. et
          pl. 133).                                   comb. nov. Basionym: Capparis herbacea Willd.,
            Phenology.  Flowering May to October.     Enum. Pl.: 560. 1809. Capparis ovata var.
            Distribution and habitat.  Mediterranean and  herbacea (Willd.) Zohary, Bull. Res. Council
          Irano-Turanian Regions; locally introduced in the  Israel 8D: 56. 1960. TYPE: [Russia, Georgia or
          Saharo-Arabian Region. Mediterranean Europe, North  Azerbaijan] ‘‘Capparis herbacea. Marschall a Bie-
          Africa, Middle East into Turkey [Albania, Algeria,  berstein. Habitat ad Caucasum’’ (lectotype,
          Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Syria, Turkey].  designated here, B!, unlabelled blossoming
          Stony places, marls or clayish soils, scrubs, at  specimen, B-W, folder 10034, right of sheet 2).
          elevations from 0 to 600 m; in the vicinity of human
          dwellings.                               Capparis herbacea Willd. var. microphylla Ledeb., Fl. Ross.:
                                                      235. 1842. Capparis leucophylla DC. var. microphylla
            Selected specimens examined. ALBANIA. Below Levani  (Lebed.) Ta ¨ckh. Students’ Flora of Egypt, Ed. 2: 164.
          and Frascula district, M. Barat, Baldaci 197 (K). ALGERIA.  1974. TYPE: [Kazakhstan or Turkmenistan] ‘‘Hab. ad
          Ora ´n, Faure s.n. (K). CYPRUS. Cape Greco, Gold 29 (RNG).  litt. Orient.m. Caspii! Karelin’’ (holotype, LE not seen).
          GREECE. Baths of Eretria, Island Euboea, Stamatiadhou
          17290 (C); Crete, Kissamos, Bickerich 15091 (K); Irakliou,  Shrub procumbent; twigs straight, sometimes reach-
          Bowen 8913 (RNG); Fokis, Delfi, Pinset 107 (RNG); Island  ing up to 3 m long, light green, herbaceous;
          Poros, Strid 29680 (C); Mitilini, Lesbos, Hansen 4918 (C);  internodes 1–3 cm; stipules straight, spreading, not
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