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Volume 93, Number 1                     Inocencio et al.                    141
            2006                                    Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis

             Figure 6. Details of the new subspecies Capparis parviflora subsp. sphaerocarpa Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obo ´n, & Alcaraz.
            —A. Stems and flowers (drawn by J.-A. Barren ˜a from Furse 5488, K). —B. Detail of leaf and stipules (drawn by J.-A. Barren ˜a
            from Nikitin & Ivanov s.n., E). —C. Fruit (drawn by J.-A. Barren ˜a from Hedge & Lamond 37579, E).

            decurrent, golden yellow, 0.3–0.6 cm long, 0.1–  Distribution and habitat.  Irano-Turanian Region
            0.2 cm wide at the base. Leaves elliptic or oblong,  extending to the Euro-Siberian. Middle East, Central
            3–6 3 1.5–4 cm, herbaceous; indument lax, tri-  Asia,  and  Caucasus  [Afghanistan,  Azerbaijan,
            chomes thin and short to long, 15–20 3 200–500 mm;  Georgia,  Iran,  Kazakhstan,  Mongolia,  Turkey,
            leaf veins prominent; bases rounded, apices obtuse to  Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan]. Stony places in
            acute; mucro small, 0.5–1 mm, curved; petioles short,  calcareous soils and rocky grounds, slopes of low hills
            1–1.5 cm. Flower buds acute or rounded; floral  and walls of abandoned buildings, at elevations from
            pedicels thick and long, 4–6 cm; flowers zygomorphic;  0 to 2000 m.
            abaxial (odd) sepal helmet-shaped, 1.8–2.4 cm long,
                                                      Selected specimens examined. AFGHANISTAN. Bamian,
            0.6–1.2 cm deep; stamens 100 to 150, anthers 2.3–
                                                    Darrah Siakar, Hedge 3423 (E); Den Hundie, Edelberg 1889
            3 mm, with acute apices. Fruit obovate to oblong, pulp  (C); Kundut, Khanabad, Carter 390 (K); Obeh, Herat, Hedge
            red; ripe seeds dark brown, 3–3.6 3 2.4–2.8 3 2–  W7777 (E); Samangan, Hewer 1128 (E); Takhar, Mughul,
            2.4 mm.                                 Podlech 11377 (E); Yawarzan, Badkshan, Hedge W9471 (E).
                                                    AZERBAIJAN. Morghak, from Parsabad to Bileh Savar,
              Note. Mongolian  populations  display  stouter  Lamond 3097 (E). GEORGIA. S.l., Frierk s.n. (E); Caucasus,
                                                    Hohenanker s.n. (E); Tbilisi, Campbell 175 (K). IRAN. Amol,
            stipules and smaller leaves.
                                                    Andersen 244 (E); Khvoy, Cowan 1560 (K); Mazandaran,
              Illustrations.  Takhtajan. (1966: 58, tab. 22).  Elburz, Furse & Synge 491 (K); Mianeh, Bowles 2423 (K);
              Phenology.  Flowering from May to September.  Moraweh Tappeh, Hewer H3804 (E); Sanganeh, Kopet Dagh,
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