Page 18 - CAPPARIS_2006
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Volume 93, Number 1 Inocencio et al. 139
2006 Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis
7b. Capparis parviflora Boiss. subsp. kurdica bases tapering to rounded, apices rounded or weakly
(Zohary) Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obo ´n & Alcaraz, acute; mucro very small, 0.1–0.5 mm, straight;
stat. et comb. nov. Basionym: Capparis ovata petioles very short, 0.1–0.3 cm. Flower buds rounded;
Desf. var. kurdica Zohary, Bull. Res. Council floral pedicels slender, short, 1.5–2 cm; flowers
Israel, Vol. 8D, 56. 1960. TYPE: [Iraq] ‘‘Rupes slightly zygomorphic; abaxial (odd) sepal slightly
Mt. Singarae [Djabal Sindjar], Mai 1867 C. galeate, 0.8–1.1 cm long, 0.3–0.6 cm deep; stamens
Haussknecht s.n.’’ (holotype, K!). 30 to 80, anthers 1.2–1.5 mm, with round apices.
Fruit rounded, pulp red; ripe seeds dark brown, 2.6–
Shrub procumbent, almost glabrous; twigs straight,
2.8 3 1.6–1.8 3 2.3–2.8 mm.
up to 2 m long, yellowish green; internodes 1.5–3 cm;
stipules somewhat curved, retrorse, somewhat to very Phenology. Flowering and fruiting from (April)
widely spreading, not decurrent, golden yellow, May to August(September).
contrasting with the light twigs, 0.2–0.4 cm long, Distribution and habitat. Irano-Turanian Region.
0.1–0.2 cm wide at the base. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, Central Asia [Afghanistan, Turkmenistan]. Cliffs and
rarely obovate, 1–2.5 3 0.7–2 cm, herbaceous; stony slopes, from 600 to 2000 m.
leaf veins not prominent; base rounded or somewhat The sheet with the holotype (at E) is labelled as
tapering, apices acute to rounded; mucro very follows: I ‘‘K.H. Rechinger, Iter Orientale 1967/
small, 0.1–0.5 mm, straight; petioles very short, 0.3– 37579/ Capparis spinosa L./Var. parviflora (Boiss.)
0.5 cm. Flower buds rounded; floral pedicels Boiss./Sw-Afghanistan, Herat:/105 Km S Herat Ver-
slender, short, 2–3.5 cm; flowers slightly zygomor- sus Shindand, 1300 M.’’ II ‘‘Det. Hedge & Lamond,
phic; abaxial (odd) sepal slightly galeate, 0.9–1.2 cm 1968/ 7.VIII.’’
long, 0.4–0.6 cm deep; stamens 30 to 80, anthers 1.5–
1.8 mm, with rounded apices. Fruit ellipsoidal, pulp Paratypes. AFGHANISTAN. Chakhansur, Zaranj,
Breckle 4928 (E); Fariah, Hedge, Wendelbo & Ekberg W
red; ripe seeds dark brown, 3.2–3.8 3 2.2–2.6 3 2.4–
7674 (E); Herat, Hedge & Lamond 37579 (K); Shind Dand,
2.2 mm. Furse 5488 (K). TURKMENISTAN. Asjabad, Nikitin &
Ivanov s.n. (E).
Phenology. Flowering from June to September.
Distribution and habitat. Irano Turanian Region.
Middle East [Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq]. Cliffs, ravines, 8. Capparis sicula Veill., in Duhamel, Traite ´ Arb.
in stony places, from 200 to 700 m. Arbust., Ed. 2, 1: 159. 1801. Capparis ovata var.
sicula (Veill.) Zohary, Bull. Res. Council of
Selected specimens examined. AFGHANISTAN. Cha- Israel, 8D: 55. 1960. Capparis spinosa subsp.
khansur, Zaranj, Breckle 4905 (E). IRAN. Avroman, Schahu, sicula (Veill.) Holmboe, Borg. Mus. Skr. Ny
Haussknecht s.n. (K). IRAQ. Bilas, Raui 29409 (K);
Darvidikhan, 1536 (E); Zint gorge, Mam district, Chapman Raekke. Bird I, 2: 1–344. 1914. TYPE: [Italy]
26096 (K). ‘‘Capparis Sicula duplicata spina, folio acuto.
Boccone, 1666 [1674]. Icon. et descript. Rarior.
7c. Capparis parviflora Boiss. subsp. sphaero-
Plantar. Sicil. P. 79. tab. 42. f. 3. Cupani Hort.
carpa Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obo ´n & Alcaraz,
Cathol. P. 36’’ (lectotype, designated by Rivera
subsp. nov. TYPE: [Afghanistan] ‘‘Herat:105
et al., 2006, Boccone’s image, Icones et
Km S Herat versus Shindand, K. H. Rechinger,
descriptiones rariorum plantarum Siciliae, Meli-
Iter Orientale 1967/37579’’ (holotype, E!).
tae, Juliae et Italicae: 79. tab. 42. f. 3. 1674!).
Figure 6.
Foliis minoribus, usque ad 1 cm longis latisque, fructibus KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES OF CAPPARIS SICULA IN THE MEDITERRANEAN
brevioribus globosis non oblongis a typo differt. REGION,NORTH AFRICA, THE MIDDLE EAST, AND CENTRAL ASIA
1a. Plants with stipules straight, spreading . . . . . .
Shrub procumbent, up to 75 cm high; twigs straight,
.......... ....... 8b. C. sicula subsp. herbacea
up to 2 m long, yellowish green or grayish-whitish; 1b. Plants with stipules curved, retrorse .... ...... 2
young twigs very thin with very short internodes (0.1– 2a. Leaf pubescence lax, very lax, or almost glabrous . 3
0.3 cm) and very spiny; longer adult twig internodes 3a. Twigs dark green; leaf pubescence lax, trichomes
thick and long, 20–50 3 400–800 mm; floral
0.3–1 cm; stipules somewhat curved, retrorse, usually
pedicel thick and long, 5.5–7 cm ....... ...
very open, slightly spreading to widely spreading,
.......... ......... 8a. C. sicula subsp. sicula
slightly decurrent to not decurrent, golden yellow 3b. Twigs light green, white, or yellow; leaves
contrasting with whitish twigs, 0.3–0.5 cm long, 0.1– glabrous or with very lax pubescence, trichomes
0.2 cm wide at the base. Leaves obovate to ovate- thin and short, 15–20 3 100–250 mm; floral
pedicel slender and short, 1–4.5 cm .... ...... 4
rounded, the young rounded, 0.7–1 3 0.6–1 cm,
4a. Leaf pubescence very lax; stipules curved, re-
herbaceous; indument dense, trichomes thin and long, trorse, yellow-orange; anthers small, 2–2.5 mm.
20–25 3 350–800 mm; leaf veins not prominent; .......... ... 8d. C. sicula subsp. mesopotamica