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Volume 93, Number 1                     Inocencio et al.                    133
            2006                                    Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis

             Figure 4. Distribution map for Capparis atlantica ( ); Capparis orientalis ( ); and Capparis zoharyi (X).
            atlantica as in C. zoharyi; the leaf tips of C. atlantica  Distribution and habitat.  Karoo-Namib Region.
            are acute, while those of C. aegyptia and C. zoharyi  South  Africa  [Namibia].  Dune-forming  sandy
            are rounded.                            substrate, in coastal zones; at elevations from 0 to
                                                    100 m.
             Paratypes. MOROCCO. Asni, Inocencio 60005 (UMH);
            falls of Ouzoud, Jury 8764 (RNG); Marrakech, Jury 8783  The Schinz herbarium is at Z. At Z there are two
            (RNG); Moulay Brahim, Archibald 4586 (E); Oued Argaoui,  sheets with type material of Capparis hereroensis
            Inocencio 60003 (UMH); Siksoua, Greater Atlas, Hooker s.n.  because holotype is not designated in the protologue.
            (K); Tafraoute, s.n. 468 (RNG); Tizi n’test, Inocencio 60034  The specimen accompanied by a single handwriting
                                                    on the sheet with the following text, ‘‘Capparis
                                                    hereroensis Schinz/Wortel, Walfischbai/1886/2 Bo-
            3. Capparis hereroensis Schinz, Bull. Herb. Bois-  gen/Nu 1006,’’ is here designated as the lectotype;
               sier 1(3): 396. 1895. TYPE: [Southwest Africa 5  the specimen on the other sheet, with identical Schinz
               Namibia] ‘‘Su ¨dwestafrika: Zwischen Wortel und  collection number, is a paralectotype.
               Walfischbai, October 1886, Schinz 1006’’ (lec-
                                                      Selected specimens examined.  NAMIBIA. Walvis Bay
               totype, designated here, Z!).
                                                    Town, Salworks, Ward 9250 (K); Hereroland, Walfischbai,
              Shrub erect, almost glabrous; twigs straight, up to  Schinz 1006 (Z); Conception Hut, Ward & Ward 158 (K).
            3 m long, yellowish green; internodes 1.3–2.5 cm;
            stipules antrorse, mostly setaceous, not decurrent,  4. Capparis mucronifolia Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Ori-
            sometimes falling or weak, yellow, 0.2–0.3 cm long,  ent., Ser. I, Vol. I: 3. 1843. Capparis spinosa L.
            0.05–0.1 cm wide at the base. Leaves oblong-obovate,  var. mucronifolia (Boiss.) Hedge & Lamond, Fl.
            2.3–4.2 3 1–1.6 cm, somewhat fleshy, yellowish  Ir. Hoch. Umr. Geb.: 7. 1970. TYPE: [Iran or
            green; leaf veins prominent; bases tapering to  Oman] ‘‘Hab. in Persia Australi et Regno
            rounded, apices rounded to somewhat truncate; mucro  Mascatensi, Aucher 4189...’’ (lectotype, desig-
            small, 0.5–1.0 mm, straight; petioles 0.5–1 cm. Flow-  nated here, G!).
            er buds rounded; floral pedicels thick and short, 2.5–
            4.5 cm; flowers slightly zygomorphic; abaxial (odd)
                                                    KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES OF CAPPARIS MUCRONIFOLIA IN THE MIDDLE
            sepal slightly galeate, 1.6–1.8 cm long, 0.6–0.8 cm  EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA
            deep; stamens 30 to 80, anthers 2.5–3 mm, with acute
                                                    1a. Twigs slightly tortuose; stipules curved, retrorse;
            apices. Fruit ellipsoidal, pulp color unknown; ripe  leaves ovate, pubescence very lax; flower buds acute
            seeds dark brown, 3.8–4 3 3.6–3.8 3 2.7–3 mm.  at apex .. .. .. .a. C. mucronifolia subsp. mucronifolia
                                                    1b. Twigs straight; stipules almost straight or some-
              Phenology.  Flowering from January to April.  what curved, retrorse or often spreading; leaves
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