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Volume 93, Number 1                     Inocencio et al.                    131
            2006                                    Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis

             Figure 2. Distribution map for Capparis ovata ( ) (both subspecies); Capparis spinosa ( ); and Capparis aegyptia (X).
            Capparis aegyptia also occurs in India, beyond map range.
            oblong, pulp color unknown; ripe seeds dark brown,  Selected specimens examined. EGYPT. Cairo, Schwein-
            3.2–3.4 3 2.8–3 3 1.8–2 mm.             furth 995 (K); Gebel Ez Zebir, Sinai, Tadmor S-417 (K);
                                                    Minia, Lippi ? (P); Tadmor & Shmida S-420 (E); Sinai, Bove ´
                                                    273 (K). INDIA. Mahablesham, Bombay, T. C. s.n. (E).
              Illustrations.  Plate 31(3) in Delile, 1812. Zohary
                                                    ISRAEL. Nabulus, Stait 266 (RNG); Wadi Qelt, Davis 4888
            (1960: 52, fig. 1). Ta ¨ckholm. (1974: 163, pl. 48c).  (K); Ein Gedi, Lyschede s.n. (C); Kfar Gileh and Manara,
            Migahid (1988: 48, pl. 26).             Curle 65 (K); Manara, Curle 143 (E); Mount Gilboa, Davis
              Phenology.  Flowering and fruiting from (January)  4667 (E); Wadi Yarmuk, Davis 4604 (E). JORDAN. Wadi
            March to August (December).             Mujib, Ma’daba, Boulos 5856 (K). SAUDI ARABIA. Wadi
                                                    Lakus, Jebel, Collenette 7228 (K).
              Distribution and habitat.  Saharo-Arabian, extend-
            ing into the Irano-Turanian and Mediterranean
            Regions. North Africa, Middle East into India  2. Capparis atlantica Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obo ´n&
            [Egypt, India, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia]. Rocky  Alcaraz, sp. nov. TYPE: [Morocco] ‘‘Safi, 20–6-
            places, steep slopes, at elevations from 0 to 2000 m,  1999. Inocencio 60026’’ (holotype, UMH!; iso-
            often in the vicinity of human dwellings. It is the  types, MO!, K!, E!, MA!). Figure 3.
            common caper in Egypt and is often associated with  Suffrutex decumbens, usque ad 60 cm, caulibus purpure-
            the Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf community. Figure 2.  is, foliis rotundis, apice acutis, base rotundatis, 1.5–3 cm
              The type specimen of Capparis aegyptia has one  longis, 1.2–2.5 cm latis, a C. zoharyi differt; stipulis
            flower, no fruits. It is part of the herbarium A. T.  tenuioribus, apicibus foliorum acutis nunquam rotundis nec
                                                    cordatis a C. zoharyi et C. aegyptia differt.
            Danty d’Isnard, which is cited by Lamarck (1783):
            ‘‘v(idit) s(iccam) in herb(ario) Isn(ard).’’ It was  Shrub procumbent, up to 60 cm high, glabrous;
            included in 1857 in the Jussieu herbarium (P-JU).  twigs straight, up to 2 m long, reddish purple,
            The specimen was collected ‘‘en face de Minia’’ in  sometimes green; internodes 1–3 cm; stipules curved,
            Egypt by one botanist who gave it to Isnard: ‘‘Doni per  retrorse, slightly decurrent, orange, 0.3–0.6 cm long,
            tu’’ [Gift for you]. It was, presumably, D. Lippi (1678–  0.2–0.3 cm wide at the base. Leaves rounded, 1.5–3
            1704) himself. Isnard wrote the manuscript list of  3 1.2–2.5 cm, somewhat fleshy; leaf veins not
            plants—now at P-JU—collected by Lippi in Egypt  prominent; bases rounded to cordate, apices acute;
            during his last trip in 1704 (Pritzel, 1872).  mucro very small, 0.1–0.5 mm, straight; petioles
              The basionym of Capparis deserti (Zohary) Ta ¨ckh. &  short, 0.3–1 cm. Flower buds rounded; floral pedicels
            Boulos, Capparis spinosa L. var. deserti Zohary, was  slender, short, 2–3 cm; flowers slightly zygomorphic;
            validly published by Zohary. However he states ‘‘This  abaxial (odd) sepal slightly galeate, 1.4–1.6 cm long,
            is a ‘weak’ variety because small-leaved forms occur  0.5–0.6 cm deep; stamens 30 to 80, anthers very
            almost in all groups.’’                 small, 1.8–2 mm, apices rounded. Fruit oblong, pulp
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