Page 1 - Carapezza_1993
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Naturalista sicil.,  S.  IV,  XVII  (3-4),  1993,  pp.  291-303

                                             ATTILIO  CARAPEZZA

                                 ISOLE  EGADI,  CON NUOVE  SINONIMIE
                                              (Insecta  Rhynchota)


                       Vengono elencati i risultati dello studio di un ricco materiale di Eterotteri raccolti negli ultimi
                    anni nelle isole Egadi, Ustica ed Eolie, e conservati nella collezione dell'autore.  110 specie vengono
                    segnalate per la prima volta di almeno una delle isole studiate; 3 di queste specie sono nuove anche
                    per la fauna italiana. Vengono inoltre stabilite le seguenti sinonimie: Platycranus michalki Wagner,
                    1951 = Platycranus erberi Fieber, 1870; Orthotylus protai Tamanini, 1978 = Orthotylus divisus Linna-
                    vuori,  1961.


                       New Records of Heteroptera /rom the Aeolian,  Ustica and the Egadi Islands, with new Synonymies
                    - The author lists  110 species of Heteroptera recorded for  the first  rime from one or more of the
                    islands taken into consideration. 12 species are reported for the first rime from Marettimo, 27 from
                    Levanzo, 2 from Favignana, 20 of which are new records for the Egadi islands; 6 species are repor-
                    ted for  the first  time  from  the island  of Ustica;  9 are  reported  for  the first  time from  Alicudi,  l
                    from Filicudi, 9 from  Salina, 21  from Lipari, 51 from Vulcano, 4 from  Stromboli, 32 of which are
                    new records for the Aeolian islands. These new records bring the total of Heteroptera known from
                    the Egadi islands  to  100  species  (Marettimo, 45;  Levanzo, 70;  Favignana, 54), from Ustica to 65
                    species  and from  the Aeolian islands to  197  species  (Alicudi,  24;  Filicudi,  19;  Salina,  91;  Lipari,
                    127; Vulcano, 106; Panarea, 29;  Stromboli,  14).  The following  species  are  new  records  for  Italy:
                    Platycranus (Genistocapsus) pictus Wagner; Heterocapillus nitidus (Horv.); Canthophorus fuscipennis Horv.
                       The following new synonymies are established: Platycranus michalki Wagner,  1951  = Platycranus
                    erberi  Fieber,  1870;  Orthotylus protai  Tamanini,  1978 = Orthotylus divisus  Linnavuori,  1961.
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