Page 8 - Carcharodon2001
P. 8
ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 11 · 2001 · 2 (25)
Fig. 8: Specimen caught off Filfla (Malta) on Apri/ 17'" garage. A day later (Aprii 18'h) it was taken to the Valletta
1987. (Photo: }. Gullaumier) fish market. The jaws were preserved by John Abela and
SI. 8: Primerek, ujet nedalec od Filfle (Malta) 17. aprila exhibited in the Museum of History and Culture on Gozo
1987. (Foto:}. Gullaumier) lsland. The case was reported and discussed by severa!
fishermen Alfredo Cutajar and Vince D'Amato. The authors (Abela, 1989; Ellis & McCosker, 1991; Mollet et
catch took piace 3 miles off Blue Grotta, south of Filfla. al., 1996; Fergusson, 1996; Fergusson, 1998; De Mad-
The shark was caught with a fixed surface long-line be- dalena, 1999; Fergusson et al., 2000; De Maddalena,
longing to Mr. D'Amato, but the line snapped and got
entangled with a line belonging to Mr. Cutajar, who 2001 ). Unfortunately no fisheries officer measured the
eventually landed the shark. The latter was taken to shark (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.). Abela (1989) re-
Wied-lz-Zurrieq, but since it was too heavy for the har- ported to have measured accurately the shark's total
bour winch, it was landed in Marsax lokk. In its stomach length in a straight line (as TOT, according to Fergusson,
a whole 220 cm blue shark, Prionace glauca, a 250 cm 1998), measuring 714 cm, and he also specified a weight
dolphin of unidentified species and bitten in two (or of 2730 kg. In a letter that the shark's capturer, Alfredo
three according to some other sources), a marine turtle, Cutajar, wrote in May 1991 to Mr. Giuliano Chiocca, it
Caretta caretta, having a 60 cm diameter carapace, and was stated that it was 723 cm long and weighing 2880
a plastic bag containing garbage were found (it is not kg. A few years after, in the mid-1990s, Alfredo Cutajar
known whether the lengths were originally taken in cm and john Abela were interviewed for the jeremy Taylor's
or in feet, and other sources reported the following sizes documentary "Jaws in the Med" : here Mr. Cutajar re-
of these contents: blue shark 6 feet- 183 cm, dolphin 8 ported a length of 23 feet (701 cm) for this specimen,
feet - 244 cm , marine turtle 2 feet - 61 cm). In the eve- while Abela confirmed that he had accurately measured
ning the shark was taken to Zurrieq and kept in a large th e shark twice while lying flat on the floor; apparently it
was 23 feet 5 inches (714 cm) long. Recentl y, in 2001,
Mr. Cutajar stated to have estimated the shark as being
23 feet (701 cm) long on the basis of the length of the
pick-up truck on to which it was placed with its caudal
fin hanging out (this statement clearly indicates that he
did not measure the shark's length); moreover he de-
clared that an approximate weight of 3 t was estimated
on the basis of the shark's individuai parts cut up and
sold at the fishmarket (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.).
Mollet et al. (1996) wrote, on the basis of discordant tes-
timonies by John Abela, that Abela did not measure the
shark's length but only estimated it. Fergusson (1998)
stated that this shark's length was in the 520-550 cm TL
ran ge: he reached this conclusion after examining the
photograph of this specimen taken by photographer john
Gullaumier and published by the Maltese newspaper "ln-
Nazzjon-Taghna" (Anonymous, 1987), based also on the
judgement by a forensic investigator who analysed the
pi cture on the request of the BBC Natura! History Unit.
Some time after, Fergusson et al. (2000) again confirmed
this estimate, stating that this specimen was no longer
than 550 cm TL. This length agrees with the size reported
by Anonymous (1987) who reported the shark's weight at
1.5 t and its length at "about 18 feet" (549 cm). According
to Fergusson (1998), in an interview given by Abela to
the BBC, he admitted that "he may have made a mistake
in taking the measurement". Recently, in 2001, Abel a re-
confirmed the 714 cm totallength, but added that he had
taken the shark's measure with a rope which he eventu-
ally measured (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.). However,
the "about 18 feet" length reported by Anonymous (1987)
was not measured but merely estimated (A. Buttigieg,
pers. comm.), and the same may be said of the 1.5 t
weight reported by the same source (Anonymous, pers.
c o m m.).