Page 6 - Carcharodon2001
P. 6

ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 11 · 2001 · 2 (25)


Fig. 3: Specimen caught off Enfola, Isola d'Elba (ltaly),     Fig. 4: Specimen caught off Enfola, Isola d'Elba (ltaly),
on August 12'h 1938. (Photo: courtesy of A. Zanoli)           on August 12th 1938. (Photo: courtesy of A. Zanoli)
SI. 3: Primerek, ujet v blizini Enfole, Isola d'Elba          SI. 4: Primerek, ujet v blizini Enfole, Isola d'Elba
(Jtalija), 12. avgusta 1938. (foto: z dovoljenjem A. Za-      (ltalija), 12. avgusta 1938. (Foto: z dovoljenjem A. Za-
nolija)                                                       nolija)

cm TOT, 594 cm Tln, 482 cm PRC. We noted that, ac-            photo allowed us to make a very good length estimate.
cording to Mollet & Cailliet (1996), our estimates agreed     We chose as reference the man w earing a white shirt
with the weight reported by Anonymous (1938).                 and short pants located very dose to the shark's snout
                                                              and on the same piane. We assumed its height to be
            Ganzirri, Sicily, ltaly, )une 191h 1961           170 cm . We estimated the PP2 to be 377 cm, corre-
                                                              sponding to 666 cm TOT, 645 cm Tln, 523 cm PRC.
     In 1961, a great female white shark was captured off
Ganzirri, Sicily (ltaly). lt was June 19'h: the specimen was                Piran, Slovenia, October 2-r 1963
harpooned offshore by the fisherman Domenico Sorrenti
from his boat, at 12 o'clock. The shark was estimated to           On October 22 "d 1963, a large white shark was
be about 640 cm long and weighing about 1500 kg; in           caught off Salvare in the Gulf of Piran (Siovenia and
its stomach a large dolphin cut in two parts was found        Croatia) (Fig. 6) . lt approached a fishing boat belonging
(Celona, 2001 ).                                              to the Delamaris fish processing company, while fisher-
                                                              men were turning in their nets, and was killed with 23
     A photo of this specimen appears in Celona (2001)        rifle shots. lts stomach contained a dolphin weighing
(Fig. 5). The shark is not shown in full, but the position    about 200 kg _This case has been reported by Bosnjak &
from which the picture was taken, exactly laterally from      Lipej (1992-1993), Lipej (1993-1994), De Maddalena
it, and the closeness of the shark and the people on the      (2000a), and Soldo & Jardas (2001 ). O ne of the authors
                                                              (L. Lipej) interviewed a fisherman who had at that time
Fig. 5: Sfecimen caught off Ganzirri, Sicily (ltaly), on      been on board the fishing boat, and the latter declared
fune 19 1 1961. (Photo: courtesy of D. Sorrenti)              that the shark must had been about 6 m long and
SI. 5: Primerek, ujet nedaleé od Ganzirrija na Siciliji       weighing about 1100 kg (Bosnjak & Lipej, 1992-1993;
(ltalija) 19. junija 1961. (Foto: z dovoljenjem D. Sor-       Lipej, 1993-1994), while the local newspaper "Primor-
rentija)                                                      ske novice" indicated it to be 4 m long and weighing ca.
                                                              700 kg (Anonymous, 1963).

                                                                   Photos of the specimen have been published in
                                                              Bosnjak & Lipej (1992-1993) and Lipej (1993-1994):
                                                              unfortunately these pictures cannot be used for an accu-
                                                              rate estimate of the specimen's size on the basis of the
                                                              people appearing near the shark. One of the authors (L.
                                                              Lipej) eventually went to the lzola harbour to examine
                                                              the precise piace where the shark had been photo-
                                                              graphed after its landing. The blocks of cement of the
                                                              harbour paving have sides measuring from 45 to 50 cm .
                                                              On the two photos of this specimen, there are almost
                                                              exactly 1O blocks in li ne from the shark's snout to the

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