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ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 11 · 2001 · 2 (25)


Tab. 1: Most interesting cases of white sharks reaching or exceeding 6 metres in length reported in previous litera-
Tab. 1:Najzanimive#i podatki o belih morskih volkovih, za katere so v literaturi navedli, da so meri/i 6 ali vec

      DATE     LOCATION           SEX REPORTED             SOURCE                     NOTES



February 1839 Civitanova, ltaly   - ca. 600     Bonaparte (1839), Metaxà Estimated to be 602 cm TL on
                                                (1839), Vinciguerra (1885- the basis of the largest vertebra

                                                1892), De Maddalena         (De Maddalena, 1998).

                                                (2000b) .

1886           Piombino, ltaly    - 800-1000 Biagi (1995)
1945           Cojimar, Cuba
                                  F 640.8       Bigelow & Schroeder         Length contested by Randall

                                                (1948), Guitar-Manday & (1987).

                                                Milera (1974)

16 March 1954 Camogli, ltaly      F 700         Tortonese (1965)            Length contested by Fergusson

                                                                            (1996) .

19 june 1961   Ganzirri, Sicily,  F > 600       Celona (2001)               Estimated to be ca. 640 cm long
9 March 1965   ltaly
               Ganzirri, Sicily,                                            (Celona, 2001 ).
                                  - 620         Berdar & Riccobono          Hypothesised to be measured

                                                (1986), Celona et al. (2001) over the curve of the body; esti-

                                                                            mated about 560 cm TOT from

                                                                            photograph (Celona et al., 2001 ).

18 September   Gallipoli, ltaly   M 620         Piccinno & Piccinno (1979)
1982           Dakar, Senegal     > 800 TL Barrull & Mate (2001)            Not accurately measured .
4 August 1983  Alberton, Prinèe                                             Never measured (EIIis &
               Edward lsland,     F 609.6       Mollet et al. (1996)        McCosker, 1991).
17 january     Canada
1987           Gansbaai, South    F 567-600     Gottfried et al. (1996),    Never measured (De Maddalena
1 Aprii 1987   Africa                 cmTOT     Mollet et al. (1996)        et al. , 2002).
               Kangaroo lsland,                 jury (1987), Cappo (1998),  Never measured.
17 Aprii 1987  Australia          F > 690       Mollet et al. (1996)
               Filfla, Malta                    Abela (1989)                Reported length doubtful (Mollet
                                  F 714 cm                                  et al.', 1996). Estimated to be 520-
16 Jufy 1996 Malindi, Kenya           TOT       Cliff et al. (2000)         550 cm (Fergusson, 1998).
                                                                            Estimated 570 cm Tln from verte-
                                  F ca. 640                                 bral size (Ciiff et al. , 2000).

                  MATERIALS AND METHODS                    cussion section instead of in the Materia! and Methods
    We examined the photographic evidences of the
largest specimens collected in the ltalian Great White         The lengths of the specimens investigated were not
Shark Data Bank (Banca Dati Italiana Squalo Bianco), a     clearly reported as measured accurately and following
                                                           precise standards, such as those indicated in scientific
program of data collection on the presence of c. car-      literature (see Compagno, 1984 and Mollet et al., 1996),
                                                           and as in some cases the size reported are merely de-
charias in the Mediterraneari Sea instigated in 1996. Far  clared estimates, we believed it necessary to revise the
                                                           reported data. In almost ali cases even weights were re-
every case examined, we searched for ali available in-
formation, looking for ali related bibliographical         ported in the sources, but it is never clearly spe~ ified
sources, trying to contact eyewitnesses and ali other
persons that were able to furnish us with new and un-      whether the specimen was really weighed or merely es-
published details or unknown photographs of the            timated (as it is often likely) and in which condition
specimens we are dealing with in our study. We consid-     (whole, gutted, beheaded or other). Moreover, it should
ered it more useful and clear to include the so recon-     be taken into consideration that it is not suitable to esti-
structed reports of the captures in the Results and Dis-   mate the total length from the weight without consider-

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