Page 18 - Chitons_Mollusca_DELL_ANGELO_1998
P. 18
B. Dell'Angelo, C. Lombardi and M. Taviani
Distribution: the taxon is distributed in of hard bottoms suitable far the settlement
the Atlantic ocean, from the Lofoten islands of polyplacophorans in the study area. Many
to Cape Vert archipel and throughout the of the «missing» Mediterranean taxa are
Mediterranean sea. shallow-water species whose chances to be
living-collected or found as Ioose plates are
understandably minima!.
One species today typical of the NE At-
Discussion Iantic ocean (Hanleya nagelfar) is considered
to be Iikely extinct in the Mediterranean sea
The extensive bottom sampling carried and probably belonging to unburied glacial
aut in the Strait of Sicily and offshore the Pleistocene assemblages.
western side of Sicily during cruise CS96, Although chiton plates are never quanti-
has led to the collection of 17 species belon- tatively abundant, they are nevertheless ubi-
ging to the Class Polyplacophora. Only 7 quitous in most coarse-grained skeletal sedi-
species have been Iiving-collected by us, ments typically draping starved areas of
among these two rare species, i.e., Lepido- banks and shoals between 3-110 m of depth.
pleurus (Leptochiton) geronensis and Lepido-
pleurus africanus (Iargest known specimen).
Most materia! is represented by Ioose plates
found within the coarse fraction of biogenic
sediments. The high number of species iden- Acknowledgements
tified in our samples, approaching 70% of
We are indebted to Marco Oliverio. Amalia Pandolfo and Vittorio
the present-day Mediterranean chiton fau- Garilli far their help in sorting chi ton plates and to Alessandro Re mia and
na, reflects the variety of substrata tested Massimo Salmi far editing table and map.The text has been critically re-
viewed by Sergio Raffi and an unknown referee. This is IGM scicntific
during our campaign and the high incidence contribution
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