Page 14 - Chitons_Mollusca_DELL_ANGELO_1998
P. 14

B.  Dell'Angelo,  C.  Lombardi and M.  Taviani
           Suborder ISCHNOCHITONINA Bergen-           Subgenus Stenosemus Middendorff 1847
                         hayn  1930
           Family ISCHNOCHITONIDAE Dali  1889        lschnochiton  (Stenosemus)  vanbellei  KAAs
            Subfamily ISCHNOCHITONINAE Dali          1985,  Pl.  2,  Figs.  6,  8
                Genus Ischnochiton  Gray 1847        Selected references:
                 Subgenus  Ischnochiton  s.str.      1985  lschnochiton  (Stenosemus)  vanbellei
                                                     Kaas,  p.  316,  Figs. 55-68
          Ischnochiton (lschnochiton) rissoi (P A YRAU-  1990  /schnochiton  (Stenosemus)  vanbellei
          DEAU,  1826)  PJ.  3,  Fig.  2             Kaas- Kaas and Van  Belle,  p.  71,  Fig.  29
                                                     1996  /schnochiton  (Stenosemus)  vanbellei
          Selected  references:                      Kaas - Biondi and Di  Paco,  p.  19
          1826  Chiton  rissoi  Payraudeau,  p.  87,  Pl.  3,
          Figs.  4- 5                                  Materia!:  st.  283  (Skerki  bank,  -107  m,
          1908  Ischnochiton  rissoi  Payraudeau  - Nier-  grab),  14 plates; st.  285  (Skerki bank, -91  m,
          strasz,  p.  163,  Figs.  10-14            grab ),  l  p late; st.  295  (Skerki  bank,  -101  m,
          1985  /schnochiton  rissoi  (Payraudeau)  - Ga-  grab ),  3 plates.
          glini,  P l.  5,  Fig.  5;  P l.  6,  Figs.  3-4 ( cum syn.)
          1990  Ischnochiton  (l.)  rissoi  (Payraudeau)  -  Remarks:  l. vanbellei  is  a  rather  rare  spe-
          Kaas  and  Van  Belle,  p.  78,  Fig.  32   cies  previously  recorded  from  a  few  Iocali-
          1990 lschnochiton rissoi  (Payraudeau) - Mif-  ties in  associati o n with deep-sea (white) co-
          sud  et al.,  p.  57,  Figs.  8-9          rals.  Our records are instead from rhodalgal
          1993  Ischnochiton rissoi (Payraudeau) - Gio-  sediments of the Skerki bank, a t depths a bo-
          vine  and  Dell'Angelo,  p.  162           ve  100 m and deprived of deep-sea corals.
            Materia!:  st.  84  (Favignana  isl.,  Secca del   Ecology:  this taxon is  confirmed from  the
          Toro, -62 m,  grab), 6 plates; st. 88 (Favigna-  white-coral biocoenosis (with Lophelia pertu-
          na  isl.,  -36m,  grab ),  2  plates;  st.  93  (Scuso   sa), since Iiving individuals from  the Tuscan
          bank, -113  m,  grab ),  23  plates; st.  254  (Pan-  archipel  have  been  consistently  found  atta-
          telleria  isl.  -44  m,  grab ),  l  spm.;  st.  282   ched  to  coral  branches  between  200-500  m
          (Skerki bank, -113!141  m, dredge), 13 plates;   of depth  (Biondi  and  Di  Paco,  1996).  We
          st. 283  (Skerki bank, -107 m,  grab ), 6 plates;   ignare whether the coral was alive or subfos-
          st. 284 (Skerki bank, -97 m, grab ),  l  plate; st.   sil;  however,  there are  records from  shallo-
          285  (Skerki  bank,  -91  m,  grab ),  l  p late;  st.   wer  depths  (Tuscan  archipel,  «Secca  delle
          288  (Skerki bank,  -300  m,  grab ),  l  p late; st.   Vedove» -160m: Bogi et al., 1989), including
          291  (Skerki  bank, -70  m,  grab ),  4 plates; st.   the present one, pointing out that the ecolo-
          292  (Skerki  bank,  -78  m,  grab ),  2 plates;  st.   gie  range  of this species  is  not  restricted  to
          295  (Skerki bank, -101  m,  grab), 5 plates; st.   coral assemblages.
          296  (Skerki  bank,  -38  m,  grab ),  l  spm.;  st.
          297  (Skerki  bank, -45  m,  grab ),  l  spm.
                                                       Distribution: Tuscan archipel, Strait of Si-
                                                     cily and  Mauritania.
            Remarks:  this  species  is  rather abundant
          in  our materia).  1t  is  a  common  Mediterra-
          nean  polyplacophoran  normally  inhabiting
          very  shallow  habitats.  Our  Iiving-collected   Subfamily CALLOCHITONINAE Plate
          specimens  show  a  sculpture  more  subdued                1901
          than the  typical  form.                         Genus Callochiton  Gray  1847
            Ecology:  lschnochiton rissoi  normally Iives   Callochiton  calcatus  DELL'ANGELO  and  PA-
          between  1-5  m  adhering  to  rocky  surfaces,   LAZZI  1994,  Pl.  2,  Figs.  5,  7
          stones or dead  shells;  rarely,  it  is  found  in
          deeper waters,  always  on  hard substrata.   Selected references:
                                                     1994  Callochiton  calcatus  D eli' Angelo  an d
            Distribution:  it  is  a  typical  Mediterranen   Palazzi, p.  15,  Figs.  1-12,  14-19,  20B
          taxon;  records from  the  Canary islands  and   1995  Callochiton  calcatus  De li' Angelo  an d
          the  Azores need  to be  confirmed.        Palazzi  - Basso,  p.  364

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