Page 15 - Chitons_Mollusca_DELL_ANGELO_1998
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Chitons in  Strait of Sicily

    1997  Callochiton  calcatus  Dell'Angelo  and   m, grab), 14 plates; st. 284  (Skerki bank, -97
    Palazzi - Dell'Angelo an d Giusti, p.  53,  Fig.   m, grab ), l  p late; st. 285 (Skerki bank, -91  m,
    7                                         grab), 11  plates; st.  291  (Skerki bank, -70 m,
                                              grab ),  l O plates; st.  292 (Skerki bank, -78 m,
      Material:  st.  71  (Graham  bank,  -119  m,   grab ),  11  plates;  st.  295  (Skerki  bank,  -l 01
    grab ),  l  p late;  st.  88  (Favignana  isl.,  -36  m   m,  grab), 10 plates; st. 296 (Skerki bank; -38
    grab ),  40  plates.                      m, grab ), 2 spm.; st. 298 (Skerki bank, -64 m,
                                              grab ), 3 plates.
      Remarks:  Callochiton  calcatus  is  a  recen-
    tly described species that differs from the ot-  Remarks:  this  Mediterranean  Callochiton
    her  known  Mediterranean  species  (C.  sep-  has been confused until recent times with C.
    temvalvis)  principally by its small size  (maxi-  laevis  (Montagu,  1803,  not  Pennant,  1777)
    mum  Iength 5 mm), noticeable dorsal eleva-  and C.  achatinus (Brown, 1823). Kaas (1978)
    tion,  more raised  lateral areas, and uniform   has proposed to adopt the name  C.  septem-
    colour patterns.                          valvis  (Montagu, 1803), and to separate sub-
                                              specifically the typical Atlanti c form,  viz.,  C.
      Ecology:  the  species  is  found  at  depths   septemvalvis septemvalvis,  from  the  Mediter-
    between 30 and  100  m,  and  is  probably lin-  ranean one, viz., C.  septemvalvis euplaeae (0.
    ked with coralligenous and maerl habitats. A   G.  Costa,  1829);  the  latter  is  characterized
    possible  association  of C.  calcatus  with  the   by a  smaller size and by  the presence of 3-5
    calcareous alga  Lithothamnion  valens  Foslie   longitudinal  grooves  on  both  sides  of  the
    1909,  is  suggested  by  Basso  (1995).   centrai  areas,  which  may  or  may  not  reach
                                              the front  margins of the valves.  Dell'Angelo
      Distribution:  this  rare  taxon  is  at present   and  Palazzi  (1994)  suggested  to  adopt  the
    only  known  for  the  Mediterranean  basin,   taxon  Callochiton  septemvalvis  (Montagu,
    ranging from  the  Balearic isles  to  the Tyrr-  1803)  to  designate  this  species  in  its  com-
    henian coasts of ltaly and Sicily.        plex,  also  considering  that  Chiton  euplaeae
                                              was clearly described  by  O. G.  Costa (1829)
    Callochiton  septemvalvis  (MONTAGU,  1803),   as  a  species with  a  smooth surface, without
    Pl.  3,  Figs.  l, 5                      any trace of scars. Nearly ali collected plates
                                              show some Iongitudinal grooves on the pleu-
    Selected  references:                     ral  area.
    1803  Chiton septemvalvis  Montagu, p.  3
    1985  Callochiton euplaeae (O.G.Costa) - Ga-  Ecology: C.  septemvalvis Iives from the up-
    glini,  Pl.  9, Fig. 4;  Pl. 8,  Figs. 5-6; Pl.  9,  Figs.   per subtidal zone down to a depth of 500 m,
    1-2  ( cum syn. )                         more frequently on corallinous algae.
    1985b  Callochiton  septemvalvis  (Montagu)  -  Distribution:  the  species  is  widely  distri-
    Kaas an d  Va n Belle, p.  11,  Fig.  2 ( cum syn.)   buted in the Atlantic Ocean from Norway to
    1990  Callochiton  septemvalvis  (Montagu)  -  the  Canary  islands,  and  in  the  Mediterra-
    Mifsud  et al.,  p.  56,  Fig.  11        nean.
    1993  Callochiton septemvalvis euplaeae (O.G.
    Costa) - Giovine  and  Dell'Angelo, p.  161
    1994  Callochiton  septemvalvis  (Montagu)  -  Subfamily LEPIDOCHITONINAE Iredale
    Dell'Angelo and Palazzi, p.  15, Figs.  13, 20A            1914
                                                   Genus Lepidochitona  Gray 1821
      Ma te riai: st. 37 ( -109 m grab ), 3 plates; st.   Subgenus Lepidochitona  s.str.
    71  (Graham bank, -119m, grab), 4 plates; st.
    84  (Favignana  isl.,  Secca  del  Toro,  -62  m,   Lepidochitona  (L.)  furtiva  (MONTEROSATO,
    grab ),  17 plates; st. 85  (Favignana isl., Secca   1879)
    del Toro, -61  m, grab), 3 plates; st. 86 (Favi-
    gnana  isl.,  Secca  del  Toro,  -51  m,  grab),  l   Selected  references:
    p late;  st.88  (Favignana  isl.,  -36  m,  grab ),  23   1879  Chiton furtivus  Monterosato, p.  19
    plates; st.  93  (Scuso bank, -113  m,  grab ),  11   1981  Lepidochitona  (L.)  furtiva  (Di  Monte-
    plates;  st.  282  (Skerki  bank,  -113/141  m,   rosato)  - Kaas  and  Van  Belle,  p.  34,  Figs.
    dredge), 17 plates; st. 283 (Skerki bank, -107   113-127

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