Page 12 - Chitons_Mollusca_DELL_ANGELO_1998
P. 12
B. Dell'Angelo, C. Lombardi and M. Taviani
hermore, loose plates are not uncommon Northamerican coasts; it is rare in the Medi-
within calcareous-algal-rich biogenic sedi- terranean.
Hanleya nagelfar (LoVÉN, 1864) Pl. l, Fig.lO
Distribution: although rare or localized,
this species has a wide biogeographic distri- Selected references:
bution in the Mediterranean basin, from 1846 Chiton nagelfar Lovén, p. 158
Spain to Greece. 1985a Hanleya nagelfar (Lovén) - Kaas and
Van Belle, p. 196, Fig. 92
1991 Hanleya nagelfar Lovén - Warèn and
Family HANLEYIDAE Bergenhayn 1955 Klitgaard, p. 51, Fig. 1- 7
Genus Hanleya Gray 1857 1995 Hanleya nagelfar (Lovén) - Bellomo
and Sabelli, p. 201, Fig. l
Hanleya hanleyi (BEAN IN THORPE, 1844)
pl.2, fig.l- 2 Material: st. 32 ( -328/704 m, rock dredge ),
2 plates, l intermediate (10 mm) and l po-
Selected references: sterior (8.2 mm).
1844 Chiton hanleyi Bean in Thorpe, p. 263,
Fig. 57 Remarks: the finding of H. nagelfar in the
1972 Hanleya hanleyi (Bean) - Sabelli, p. 97, study-area is quite significant. In fact, the
Figs. 1-6 two plates recovered from the Strait of Sici-
1974 Hanleya hanleyi (Bean) - Sabelli, p. l, ly, although well preserved, are Iikely sour-
Fig.l-13 ced from glacial Pleistocene deep-sea coral
1985a Hanleya hanleyi (Bean in Thorpe) - deposits, whose presence has been docu-
Kaas and Van Belle, p.l93, Fig. 91 mented in the same station (Maniscalco and
1985 Hanleya hanleyi (Bean in Thorpe) - Ga- Taviani, this volume). This taxon has bee n
glini, Pl. 4, Fig. 2 ( cum syn.) recently recorded as a «borea) guest» from
1990 Hanleya hanleyi (Bean in Thorpe) - the lower Pleistocene of southern Italy
Mifsud et al., p.54 (Contrada Case Alte, near Reggio Calabria:
Bellomo and Sabelli, 1995). It is possible
Materia): st. 84 (Favignana isl., Secca del that the taxon is now extinct in the Mediter-
Toro, -62 m, grab ), 8 plates; st. 93 (Scuso ranean basin.
bank, -113 m, grab ), 11 plates; st. 295 (Sker-
ki bank, -101m, grab), l plate. Ecology: H. nagelfar is a rather large (up
to 70 mm) species, associated to Choristid
Remarks: we have found only loose plates sponges belonging to Geodia, /sops, Stryph-
of this uncommon, relatively deep-sea taxon. mus and Thenea often within deep-sea coral
frames. it has been mostly recorded from
Ecology: this species is found between 50 100-1000 m, with a few records as shallow as
to 550 m (normally around 100m) attached 55 m (Warèn and Klitgaard, 1991).
to dead shells and pebbles; also reported
from deep-sea coral assemblages (Biondi Distribution: H. nagelfar is widely distri-
and Di Paco, 1996). buted in the eastern Atlantic ocean (Green-
land, Norway, Iceland, Faroes, Portugal) alt-
Distribution: Hanleya hanleyi is widely di- hough it is only seldom recorded because of
stributed in the Atlantic ocean from the Ba- its peculiar habitat (Warèn and Klitgaard,
rents sea to Canary islands, and off the 1991).
P/. 3 - l, Callochiton septemvalvis (CS96-296), length 2.4 mm; 2, lschnochiton rissoi (CS96-93), valve VIII, width 2.8
mm; 3, Chiton corallinus (CS96-292) valve VIII, width 4.5 mm; 4, Lepidochitona monterosatoi (CS96-88), valve I,
width 1.8 mm; 5, Callochiton septemvalvis (CS96-292), valve VIII, width 2.8 mm; 6, Chiton corallinus (CS96-292),
intermediate valve, width 4.7 mm; 7, Lepidochitono monterosatoi (CS96-88), intermediate valve, width 2.4 mm; 8,
Acanthochitona fascicularis (CS96-93), intermediate valve, width 1.3 mm; 9, Acanthochitona fascicularis (CS96-88),
valve VIII, width 1.3 mm.