Page 7 - Chitons_Mollusca_DELL_ANGELO_1998
P. 7

Chitons in  Strait of Sicily

        (Poli)- Dell'Angelo and Palazzi, p.45,  Pl.  1-  few  loose  plates  collected  at  Laghi  Alimini
        2 (cumsyn.)                                (Lecce),  Capraia  isl.  (Leghorn)  and  Punta
        1990 Lepidopleurns cajetanus (Poli) - Mifsud   Prosciutto  (Taranto).  After the direct  com-
        et  al.,  p .53,  Fig. l                   parison  of plate VIII of one  paratype of L.
                                                  bedullii  with  plate  VIII  of  the  holotype  of
           Materia!:  st.  84  (Favignana  isl.,  Secca del   Lepidopleurns  (Leptochiton)  boettgeri  Sulc,
        Toro, -62  m,  grab ),  l  plate.          1934, from the Miocene of Kostej, Romania,
                                                   Dell'Angelo and Palazzi (1989) have propo-
           Remarks:  L.  cajetanus  is  the  commonest   sed the synonymy of this Mediterranean spe-
        Mediterranean  Lepidopleurus.  Differently   cies with  the Miocene  taxon.  However,  this
        from  fully-grown  adults,  juveniles  of  this   synonymy has been refused by Kaas and Van
        species may show some morphological varia-  Belle  (1994),  based  on  morphological  and
        bility.  Our  only  plate  (posterior)  stili  man-  biogeographic arguments.
        tains  some  juvenile  features,  including  the
         Iack of a fully developed chiselled sculpture,   Ecology:  the  ecologica!  requirements  of
         the  presence  of pronounced  tubercle  rows,   L.  bedullii  are  virtually  unknown.  The  few
         and  the anterior location of the mucro (La-  findings  reported so far are generically rela-
        ghi,  1977).                               ted  to  shallow  water  depths,  associated  to
                                                  Posidonia  oceanica  meadows  and  corallige-
           Ecology:  L.  cajetanus  is  a  shallow  water   nous  habitats.
        species distributed between 0.5  - 40  m (nor-
        mally  1-5  m)  under rocks  and shells.     Distribution:  Apulian  coasts  (Laghi  Ali-
                                                   mini,  Porto Cesareo, Punta Prosciutto), Tu-
           Distribution:  Eastern  Atlantic  ocean,   scany  (Capraia,  Elba),  Sicily  (Vendicari),
        from  Brittany  to  Marocco  and  Canary  Is-  Malta  (Mifsud  et  al.,  1990),  Tunisia  (Kaas,
        lands,  Mediterranean sea.                 1989;  Kaas  and  Van  Belle,  1987),  Turkey
                                                   (Kaas and Van Belle, 1987), Greece (Strack,
                                                   1988; Kaas and Van Belle, 1987) and Cyprus
             Subgenus  Leptochiton  Gray 1847      (Cecalupo and  Quadri,  1996).

         Lepidopleurus  (Leptochiton)  bedullii  (DEL-  Lepidopleurus  (Leptochiton)  cancellatus
         L'ANGELO  and  PALAZZI,  1986),  Pl.  l, Fig.  5   (SOWERBY,  1840)  Pl.  l, Fig.  l

        Selected  references:                      Selected  references:
         1986  Leptochiton  (L.)  bedullii  Dell'Angelo   1840  Chiton  cancellatus  Sowerby,  Fig.  104,
         and  Palazzi,  p.  7,  Figs.  17-18,  23-24,  27-31,   104a-b,  105
         49-50,  58-62                             1985a Leptochiton (L.) cancellatus (Sowerby)
         1987  Leptochiton  (L.)  bedullii  Dell'Angelo   - Kaas and Van Belle,  p.43,  Fig.  16
         and Palazzi - Kaas and Van Belle, p.  12, Fig.   1985  Lepidopleurns  cancellatus  (Sowerby)  -
         4                                         Gaglini,  p.2,  Pl.  2,  Fig.  4
         1989  Lepidopleurns  ( Leptochiton)  boettgeri   1986  Leptochiton  (L.)  cancellatus  (Sower-
         Sulc- Dell'Angelo and Palazzi, p.  72,  Pl.  20,   by)-Dell'Angelo and Palazzi, p.  10, Figs. 6-8,
         22,  Fig.5  ( cum syn.)                   41, 51,  65,  67,  69
         1990  Leptochiton  bedullii  De Il' Angelo  an d   1987  Leptochiton  (L.)  cancellatus  (Sowerby)
         Palazzi - Mifsud  et al.,  p.  54         - Cesari, p.6,  Pl.  l, Fig.  1-7
         1994  Leptochiton  (L.)  bedullii  Dell'Angelo   1989  Lepidopleurns  (Leptochiton)  cancellatus
         and  Palazzi - Kaas and Van  Belle,  p.  9   (Sowerby)  - Dell'Angelo  an d  Palazzi,  p.  58,
                                                   Pls.6-7  ( cum syn.)
           Materia!:  st.  88  (Favignana  isl.,-36  m,   1990  Leptochiton  cancellatus  (Sowerby)  -
         grab),  l  plate.                         Mifsud,  p.  54

           Remarks: we have recovered only one, so-  Materia!:  st.  36  (Strait  of Sicily,  -327/176
         mewhat worn  plate.  This  elusive  taxon  has   m,  rock dredge ),  l  p late; st. 58  ( -345/225  m,
         bee n  described  by  Dell'Angelo  an d  Palazzi   rock dredge ), 3 plates; st. 88  (Favignana isl.,
         (1986)  after  three  living  individuals  and  a   -36  m,  grab ),  44  plates;  st.  93  (Scuso  bank,
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