Page 5 - Colonese_Zanchetta_&C_2015
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              Shells are remarkably depleted in  O and  C during the Holocene in response
              to positive hydrological balance (and decreased evaporation) and dilution of the
              western Mediterranean Sea (source of precipitation), as well as taxonomic and
              isotopic changes in vegetation. Holocene δ O in are in broad agreement with
              palaeohydrological scenarios provided by pollen records from Iberian Peninsula,
              lake records from SW and N Mediterranean regions, speleothems in NW Italian
              Peninsula at the time of decreasing summer insolation  maxima in the N
              Hemisphere (e.g. Pérez-Obiol et al. 2011; Zanchetta et al. 2013).

              The  results  emphasize  the  validity  of  δ O and δ C  signatures in fossil snail
              shells from archaeological records as complementary information for the study
              of past climate and environmental conditions. Furthermore,  stable isotope
              composition of fossil shells can assist the translation of complex and large-scale
              climate conditions into local-regional opportunity and limits to human societies.


              The authors wish to thank T. Donnelly, J. Dougans, A. Tait, E. Rigattiere, I. Baneschi, N.
              Hausmann, F. Serchisu, H. Hobson. This work is partially funded by the University of
              Pisa (ex  60% G. Zanchetta) and the Society of Antiquaries of London


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