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tra i 15 ed i 540 m. Complessivamente sono stati isolati e classificati 527 individui
appartenenti a 90 specie così ripartiti: 112 individui e 32 specie nelle Eolie, 111
individui e 40 specie nelle Egadi, 20 individui e 11 specie a Ustica, 155 individui e 34
specie nelle Pontine e 129 individui e 37 specie nell’arcipelago Partenopeo.

       L’analisi multivariata ha evidenziato una scarsa somiglianza tra le isole
suggerendo la mancanza di una fauna tipicamente insulare. Solo due specie risultano
presenti in tutti gli arcipelaghi e nell’isola di Ustica: il bivalve Tellina balaustina L.,
1758 ed il poliplacoforo Lepidopleurus (Parachiton) africanus Nierstrasz, 1906, che,
curiosamente, è ritenuto uno tra i più rari chitoni del Mediterraneo.

       Nel caso dell’Isola di Vulcano e di Palmarola sono state rinvenute specie indica-
trici di instabilità ed arricchimento organico, nonostante eventi di impatto antropico
siano da escludere data l’assenza di grossi corsi d’acqua.


       The South part of the Tyrrhenian Sea is characterised by the presence of many
islands and archipelagos. In 1982 thanks to the law 979/’82 many of these sites were
proposed as marine protected areas (MPAs).

       The first to be effectively instituted was Ustica Island in 1986, followed by the
Egadi Archipelago in 1996, Ventotene and Santo Stefano Islands (Pontine Archipelago)
in 1997; Ponza, Palmarola and Zanone Islands (Pontine Archipelago), Aeolian Archi-
pelagos, Capri Island and Ischia and Procida Islands (Regno di Nettuno), are to be
instituted in the near future.

       Notwithstanding the great importance played by these marine protected areas as
reserves for the conservation of unaltered stocks of organisms, very little is known
about their benthic fauna.

       Few papers concerning bathyal macrofauna (Giacobbe et al., 1997), echinoderms
and tunicates (Matarrese et al., 1995; 1996) exist for the Aeolian Archipelago, while
most of the literature available for the Partenopean Archipelago regards the Posidonia
meadows of the coastal area of Ischia (Russo et al., 1983-84; Terlizzi & Russo, 1995
and 1996).

       Mollusc assemblages were studied only in Ustica Island (Milazzo et al., 2000;
2001), Pontine Archipelago (Gravina et al., 1992) and Lipari (Giacobbe & Spanò,
1998), while no data at all exist for the Egadi Archipelago.

       Aim of the paper is:
• to characterise the molluscs populations of the four South Tyrrhenian archipelagos

    (Pontine, Egadi, Aeolian, Partenopean) and Ustica Island;
• to verify if these archipelagos show a “typically insular” fauna or if they share any

    particular molluscan taxon;
• to furnish a data-set of the mollusc associations present in these areas before the

    institutions of MPAs for future studies on reserves’ effectiveness in the protection of

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