Page 5 - Covazzi2002
P. 5

In the Aeolian Archipelago (Tab. 2) 112 specimens, belonging to 35 species, were
found. In this archipelago on a total of 66 investigated stations only 24 had living
molluscs. Panarea was the island with the greatest diversity (18 species), followed by
Lipari and Salina (both with 7 species), Vulcano and Filicudi (both with 6 species) and
Stromboli (2 species). In this case, the soft bottoms were characterised by coarse
sediments with presence of volcanic sand until 45 m depth.

Tab. 2 - Species list, and total number of collected specimens (TNS) in the Aeolian Archipelago.
      In brackish is reported the number of stations investigated were molluscs were found.

                    Species list          Bionomical LI SA VU PN ST FI TNS

Abra alba (Wood)                          features         (6) (2) (4) (9) (2) (1)
Abra prismatica (Montagu)
Astarte fusca (Poli)                      Lim. toll. 1                                            1
Bivalvia indet.
Bolinus brandaris (L.)                    DC excl          41                                     5
Calyptraea chinensis (L.)
Cardiomya costellata (Deshayes)           Glar 2 1 1 4
Chiton corallinus (Risso)
Clausinella fasciata (Da Costa)                            1 11                                   3
Cuspidaria rostrata (Spengler)
Dentalium vulgare Da Costa                Sspr 1                                                  1
Diplodonta rotundata (Montagu)
Euspira catena (da Costa)                 SD 1 1                                                  2
Glycymeris glycymeris (L.)
Gonilia calliglypta (Dall)                DC pref                    22
Hyalopecten similis (Laskey)
Lepidopleurus (P.) africanus Nierstrasz                              11
Lepidopleurus (L.) cancellatus (Sowerby)
Limatula subovata (Jeffreys)              DC pref                1 23
Limea loscombi (Sowerby)
Lucinella divaricata (L.)                 DL pref             1                                   1
Myrtea spinifera (Montagu)
Nassarius sp.                             SGCF excl                  33
Palliolum incomparabile (Risso)
Pitar rudis (Poli)                        lim. Str.                  33
Plagicardium papillosum (Poli)
Prosobranchia indet.                                                 11
Striarca lactea (L.)
Tellina balaustina L.                     SGCF                           11
Tellina donacina L.
Tellina pulchella Lamarck                 DC pref                    11
Timoclea ovata (Pennant)
Thracia papyracea (Poli)                                                 11
Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu)
Trophon muricatus (Montagu)               DC 2 1                                                  3


                                                           11        12             14

                                          DC excl                    33

                                          SFBC                   1                                1

                                          Ind.SO           1     1                                2



                                          DC pref                    11

                                          DC pref                    1 12


                                          SD 1 1

                                          mixt.            1             12

                                          DC excl                    22

                                          SFBC                   1                                1

                                          DC-DE-DL 1                 10 1 12

                                          SFBC excl                  11

                                          Ind.SO-lim.str.        29                 29


       The bivalve Thyasira flexuosa reached a remarkable high density (~100 ind./m2)
in one spot around the Vulcano Island (station 38, 90m depth). This species is typically
found in muddy sediments with a high organic load and/or presence of sulfides where it

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10