Page 8 - Covazzi2002
P. 8

Generally in this archipelago the sea-bottom is covered by Posidonia meadows
until 40 m depth, followed by detritic sediment down to 100 m; only between 100 and
400 m detritic assemblages are interested by the presence of mud.

       The richest mollusc community was found in the Favignana Island (29 species),
followed by Marettimo (22 species), Levanzo (9 species) and Grande (3 species). Only
two species (Nucula sulcata and Psammobia costulata) were present in three out of the
four islands (Marettimo, Levanzo and Favignana), while the other molluscs were found
only in single stations.

       In the Partenopean Archipelago (Tab. 4) 129 individuals, belonging to 38 species,
were found. On 46 investigated stations, only 30 had living molluscs. The richest island

Tab. 5 - Species list, and total number of collected specimens (TNS) in the Pontine Archipelago.
             In brackish is reported the number of stations investigated for each island.

                                         Bionomical VE SS PO PA ZA TNS

                                         features      (10) (5) (23) (6) (3)

Abra prismatica (Montagu)                DC excl       1      21                                  4

Acantochitona fascicularis (L.)                                      11

Aequipecten opercularis (L.)             DC 1                                                     1

Astarte fusca (Poli)                     Glar                 12                                  3

Astarte sulcata (Da Costa)               DL excl       2111                                       5

Barbatia clathrata (Defrance)            SD 1                                                     1

Barbatia scabra (Poli)                   SD 1                                                     1

Bathyarca philippiana (Nyst)             Lim toll             11

Bivalvia indet.                                               11                                  2

Callista chione (L.)                     lim toll                112

Calyptraea chinensis (L.)                SD 2 1 3 1                                               7

Cardiomya costellata (Deshayes)          DL pref              11

Chiton sp.                                                    22

Clausinella fasciata (Da Costa)          DC pref       2      2 4 2 10

Corbula gibba (Olivi)                    Ind.inst.-SO  1      24 24                               49

Diplodonta apicalis Philippi             SGCF excl     1         12

Glans aculeata (Poli)                    mixt.         1                                          1

Gouldia minima (Montagu)                 DC-glar              22

Kellia suborbicularis (Montagu)          DC                   11

Lepidopleurus (P.) africanus Nierstrasz  DC                2                                      2

Limatula subovata (Jeffreys)                               11

Limea loscombi (Sowerby)                 DC excl              11

Modiolus barbatus (L.)                   Sspr 1                                                   1

Nuculana commutata (Philippi)            DC-DE-DL             11

Nuculana pella (L.)                      Ind. Inst.           22

Opistobranchia indet.                                                11

Pitar rudis (Poli)                       DC pref           12                                     3

Plagicardium papillosum (Poli)           DC pref              2 13

Psammobia costulata Turton               SGCF excl     3 1 1 117

Pteromeris minuta (Scacchi)                            1      11                                  3

Scrobicularia plana (Da Costa)           LEE 1                                                    1

Sepiolidae indet.                                             11

Tellina balaustina (L.)                  Mixt.             1 1 114

Tellina crassa Pennant                   SGCF excl            11

Tellina donacina L.                      DC excl           12                                     3

Tellina incarnata L.                     Sspr 1 1

Tellina pulchella Lamarck                SFBC/SFBC excl 1     1                                   2

Tellina sp.                                            33

Timoclea ovata (Pennant)                 DC-DE-DL      6 1 11                                     18

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12