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J. Eur. Orch.
42 (1): 181 – 200. 2010.

Antonia Cristaudo, Rosario Galesi, Richard Lorenz und Helmuth Zelesny

Ein Beitrag über die Ophrys sphegodes-Population am Ätna
und zwei neue Bastarde der Gattung Ophrys in Sizilien

Orchidaceae, Ophrys sphegodes subsp. grassoana, Ophrys exaltata subsp.
exaltata, Ophrys exaltata subsp. panormitana, Ophrys arachnitiformis subsp.
archipelagi, Ophrys ×rovittelli (O. sphegodes subsp. grassoana ×
O. tenthredinifera), Ophrys ×valparmensis nothosubsp. hilleri (Ophrys
bertolonii subsp. explanata × Ophrys holosericea subsp. apulica), Ophrys
ugiardinae (Ophrys exaltata Tenore u Ophrys garganica); Flora of Italy,
Sicily, Etna.

Cristaudo, A., Galesi, R., Lorenz, R. & H. Zelesny (2010): A contribution on
the Ophrys sphegodes-population on Etna and two new hybrids of the genus
Ophrys in Sicily.- J. Eur. Orch. 42(1): 181-200.
A conspicuous entity of the aggregate of Ophrys sphegodes s.l. growing on the
northern slopes of the volcanic massif of Etna is known since more than 20
years. Detailed studies show a singular combination of morphological
characters, differentiating this population slightly from the type-species and
other closely related taxa as O. exaltata subsp. exaltata and subsp.
panormitana, O. arachnitiformis subsp. archipelagi (incl. O. mateolana,
O. cilentana) and O. garganica. Because of these morphological differences
and its singular ecology it is described as Ophrys sphegodes subsp. grassoana.
Furthermore two new hybrids are presented, Ophrys exaltata u Ophrys
garganica from Niscemi (CL) and O. bertolonii subsp. explanata ×
O. holosericea subsp. apulica from the island of Favignana in West Sicily.
While the parent areas of the first hybrid overlap largely from Calabria to
Sicily, the parent areas of the second hybrid according current knowledge
overlap very restrictivly only on the Egadian Islands.

Journal Europäischer Orchideen 42(1): 2010.  181
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