Page 5 - CrociduraWagler_Sara
P. 5

INSULAR VARIATION IN CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN CROCIDURA                                                              287

                                                        TABLE III - Misclassification rates of the mandible samples, resulting from discriminant equations. The matrix shows theprobability of specimens correct
                                                        classification based on the new canonical variates.

                                                                               C. suaveolens C. cf sicula C. sicula sicula C. cf sicula C. cf sicula C. sicula C. russulaC. cf russula C. leucodon
                                                                                   Italy Favignana Gozo Marettimo Ustica Levanzo Sicily Sardinia Pantelleria Italy

Downloaded by [] at 10:10 22 March 2014  C. suaveolus (« = 11)          90.91    0      0    9.09      0       0                         0      0     0      0
                                                                                                0      0              0                                 0      0      0      0
                                                           Italy                n 10           100     0       1     0        0                        0       0     0      0
                                                        C. cf sicula (» = 3)    I0              3      0              0                                0       0     0      0
                                                                                n0            11.76  35.29    0    5.88       0                      5.88      0     0      0
                                                           Favignana            % 5.88          2       6             1                                 1      0      0     0
                                                        C. sicula (»=17)        n1            6.25   12.5      0   6.25       0                      12.5      0     0      0
                                                                                I 6.25           1     2              1                                 2      0            0
                                                           Gozo                 n1              0      0    29.41  53.85   5.88                      7.69      0     0      0
                                                        C. cf sicula (»= 16)    I0              0      0              7                                 1      0            0
                                                                                n0              0      0       5      0       1                         0      0   7.69     0
                                                           Marettimo            I0              0      0      50     0                                 0       0      1     0
                                               ««//«(» =13)      n0             2.26   2.26          9.81    6.25                      57.36  10.94    0      0
                                                                                I0              6      6       8     26                               152            0      0
                                                           Ustica               n0              0      0       0   3.03       1                               29          1.01
                                                        C. cf sicula (n = 2)    %0              0      0       0      3                              13.13  65.66  4.53      1
                                                                               n0               0      0       0     0     30.77                       13            12     0
                                                           Levanzo              I0              0      0       0      0                              11.9     65            0
                                                        C. ««</*(» =265)        n0              0      0             0        4                         5   14.29  13.13  91.67
                                                                               •I 0             0      0     8.3     0                                 0             13     11
                                                           Sicily              n0                             22            100                        0       6
                                                        C. russu/a (n =99)                                                                                    0    73.81
                                                                                                            1.01              2                                0     31
                                                           Sardinia                                                                                                  0
                                                        C. cf russula (« =42)                                  1           4.53                                      0
                                                           Pantelleria                                         0             12
                                                        C. leucodon (» = 12)                                  0
                                                                                                               0           3.03





                                                        TABLE IV - Mahalanobis' distancesmatrix ofmandible OTU's. Underlined distances are not significant; (F test; P= 0.01). ND = not determined.

                                                                        C. suaveolens C. cf sicula C. sicula C. cf sicula C. cf sicula C. cf sicula  C. sicula     C. russula C. cf russula
                                                                                                                                                      Sicily        Sardinia Pantelleria
                                                                        Italy  Favignana Gozo Marettimo            Ustica  Levanzo

                                                        C. asicula       5.43   2.59           0.32          3.78   3.80    3.89                      3.87          3.04  19.60
                                                           Favignana    10.99   3.66                         2.53   2.81                              7.15         10.52
                                                                                4.81           3.54          2.61   5.01   12.14                     20.75
                                                        C. sicula       11.57                  1.26         11.22  12.43   17.38
                                                           Gozo         10.74   ND             2.86         18.39  20.90   36.46
                                                                        14.70   9.15          11.43         28.37
                                                        C. cf sicula    18.77  18.08          18.46
                                                           Marettimo    23.81  29.39          30.11
                                                                        41.76  37.12
                                                        C. cfsicula     29.20

                                                        C. cfsicula

                                                        C. sicula

                                                        C. russula

                                                        C. cf russula

                                                        C. leucodon


                                                        manis, 1976; Schembri & Schembri, 1979; Poitevin et        shrews. In the canonical variate space (Fig. 1), the five
                                                        al. 1986), but this attribution should be reconsidered.    OTU's (Gozo, Levanzo, Favignana, Marettino and
                                                        Multivariate analysis as well as graphical comparison      Ustica) are close to each other,, their D2 between-
                                                        confirm a morphological homogeneity among these            distances being not significant (Table IV).
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