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Case (1978), on the other hand, stated that body manni on Crete (Vogel et al., 1986), and the morphom-
size trends on islands are the result of adaptational and etric differences resulting in the group of islands sur-
homeostatic processes. Physical, biotic, as well as eco- rounding Sicily appear to confirm that geographic var-
logical factors (linked to the maritime environment, iation has also affected colonization trends and, broadly
the small areas, the presence/absence of competitors speaking, the past history of the genus Crocidura in the
and predators, and the amount of available food) could Mediterranean area.
constrain the body size of the shrews. In conclusion, considering the patterns of geogra-
The presence of a small form of C. siculaon the phic variation, as reviewed by Thorpe (1987), the Cro-
Egadi arcipelago and Ustica is thus likely, although cidura genus is probably affected in this area by an
chromosomal and biochemical investigations are still independent divergence of island populations (see also
needed to confirm the taxonomic status of these differentiated disjunction in Endler, 1977).
shrews. A common karyotype and biochemical pattern
but different morphological characters and size could
allow, at least for the Gozo shrews, a subspecific form REFERENCES
of C. sicula to be described.
The large Crocidura living on Pantelleria are signifi- Alcover J. Α., 1982 - Note on the origin of the present mammalian
cantly different from all the other OTU's considered.
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Downloaded by [] at 10:10 22 March 2014 cf. russula. Misclassification rates show that some speci- Case T. J., 1978 - A general explanation for insular body size
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The evidence of the C. russula presence could be the 47: 229-236.
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Cheylan G., 1984 - Les mammifères des iles de Provence et de la
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from Lampedusa suggests a possible attribution to C.
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Chromosomal and biochemical techniques together Endler J. Α., 1977 - Geographic Variation, Speciation and Clines.
with multivariate morphometric analysis (Poitevin et Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 246 pp.
al., 1986) have once more proved to be a powerful
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liens. Arch. Naturgesch.,45: 93-99.
tool in systematics. This comparative approach has al- Grant P. R., 1970 - Colonization of islands by ecologically dissimi-
lowed the taxonomical status of C. sicula, a historically lar species of mammals. Can. J. Zool., 48: 545-553.
disputed form, to be worked out and further studies
will eventually outline the systematics of Crocidura liv- Hutterer R., 1986 - The species of Crocidura (Soricidae) in Moroc-
ing on central Mediterranean islands. Today, most of co. Mammalia, 50: 521-534.
Legendre L., Legendre P., 1979 - Ecologie numerique, vol. II.- La
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1982). But the presence of C. sicula, the second ende- (Zool.), 30: 271-309.
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