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APPENDIX I - Canonical variate analysis results used to display the OTU's in the canonical variate space: percent of variance displayed from F1-F3 axes.
Standardized and not standardized discriminantfunction coefficients (Wilks' test). K = canonical correlation.
Fl F2 F3 Fl F2 F3
variance 62.5? 31.142 5.72 0.19 not standardized -1.70
R 0.78 0.66 035 2.28 -4.85
0.95 -3.16 -6.49
UKL -0.06 standardized -0.51 6.08 0.22
M1-M3 0.30 -0.63 34.32 9.48 5.79
E -0.95 -0.53 2.89 15.66
COH -0.08 0.03 9.95
constant 0.92 0.78 0.87