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Governance analysis in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area: A
Mediterranean case study

Giovanni D’Anna a, Tomás Vega Fernández a,1, Carlo Pipitone a,n, Germana Garofalo b,
Fabio Badalamenti a

a CNR-IAMC, Sede di Castellammare del Golfo, via Giovanni da Verrazzano 17, 91014 Castellammare del Golfo, Italy
b CNR-IAMC, UOS di Mazara del Vallo, via Luigi Vaccara 61, 91026 Mazara del Vallo, Italy

article info               abstract

Article history:           The Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area (E-MPA), one of the largest MPAs in European seas, is a clear
Received 23 November 2015  example of a complex protected area where multiple stakeholders such as administrative and political
Received in revised form   bodies, enforcement bodies, tourist operators and fishermen coexist in a legislative and management
14 December 2015           scenario characterized by overlapping and sometimes competing institutions and regulations. A gov-
Accepted 16 December 2015  ernance analysis was carried out in April 2012. Semi-structured interviews were conducted amongst
                           eight stakeholder groups in order to understand their perspectives on the governance of the E-MPA and
Keywords:                  to collect their views about the main MPA issues. Overall the E-MPA is perceived as a top-down initiative
Governance analysis        imposed by politicians without any involvement of the local population. Three categories of conflicts
Conflicts                   were identified: fisheries vs. conservation, tourism vs. conservation and fisheries vs. tourism. Tourist
Stakeholders               excursions with large boats are considered among the most impacting activities on the environment as
Management effectiveness   well as on small boat renters. Inside the fishing sector strong conflicts occur between artisanal fishing
Marine protected areas     and illegal inshore trawling, and also between artisanal fishers and recreational fishers who illegally sell
Mediterranean              their catch. The MPA management has been weak and inefficient until 2010, when the new MPA director
                           imparted a new direction to the management based on greater transparency and participation. More
                           incentives and a wider participation of stakeholders are deemed essential to a more effective manage-
                           ment of the MPA.

                                                                                                                       & 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction                                                                   spatial management of human uses in the maritime domain.
                                                                                  However, their success depends on the implementation of a gov-
    Sicily, with more than 1000 km of coastline and a population of               ernance framework that moves away from a sectoral management
5 million, is one of the Italian regions where marine space is more               approach and goes towards an integrated process [2]. The Egadi
intensely used. This is particularly evident in the Strait of Sicily,             Islands Marine Protected Area (E-MPA), located in the north-
which is a stretch of sea comprised between the southern coast of                 western corner of the Strait of Sicily, provides an opportunity to
Sicily, the coast of Tunisia and the waters surrounding the Maltese               carry out a governance analysis and to fill an important gap of
archipelago. Fisheries, gas and oil industry, shipping, tourism, and              knowledge in the Mediterranean region, from which this case
the need for marine conservation are some of the uses which                       study is highly representative in terms of management difficulties
compete for the same valuable space in this area [1]. Human ac-                   and opportunities.
tivities refer to sectoral legislation and policies which regulate the
uses, usually on a case-by-case base. There is not any integrated                     This research followed the governance analysis approach and
marine spatial plan in the area, resulting in inefficient governance.              structure developed as part of the MESMA project [3].
As a result, the sustainable use of marine goods and services, as
well as the resolution of conflicts among users, is impaired.                      1.1. Geographical, socio-economic and political context

    Marine protected areas (MPAs) are considered a tool for the                       The Egadi Islands Archipelago is composed by Favignana,
                                                                                  Marettimo and Levanzo, plus the rocky outcrops of Formica and
   n Corresponding author.                                                        Maraone. It is located off the westernmost point of Sicily (Fig. 1),
     E-mail address: (C. Pipitone).                    which is an Italian region with an autonomous statute and legis-
     1 Present address: CNR-IAMC, UOS di Mazara del Vallo, via Luigi Vaccara 61,  lative power in such sectors as tourism and fishing, but not
                                                                                  in marine protected areas. The economy of Sicily is
91026 Mazara del Vallo, Italy.
0308-597X/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: G. D’Anna, et al., Governance analysis in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area: A Mediterranean case study,
Mar. Policy (2016),
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