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G. D’Anna et al. / Marine Policy ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎                                                                                            5

Fig. 2. Structure, components and functions of the governance system in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area.

E-MPA, with the exception of the fully protected A zones. On one      this possibility to authorized fishermen from Levanzo and Fa-
hand, some of the interviewed stakeholders stated that spear-         vignana. Pescaturismo is not perceived as an activity conflicting
fishing should be allowed in dedicated areas, at least to residents,   with conservation because artisanal fishing boats can take less
since it is one of the few recreational activities available on the   than ten tourists at a time and only selective low-impact fishing
three islands. On the other hand, other stakeholders were keen to     gears are used.
ban all forms of non-professional fishing and to demand more
patrolling to ensure the application of the ban on spearfishing.           A secondary conflict between fishing and tourism regards the
                                                                      way many tourists look at recreational fishing. Generally speaking,
    The main tourism-related uses of the sea in the E-MPA are         artisanal fishing is highly regarded by tourists, who appreciate its
pescaturismo (small-scale fishermen take tourists on excursions on     cultural heritage and traditional aspects. Also professional fishers
board of their vessel to show them first-hand fishing operations        look with interest at those tourist-related activities (pescaturismo,
and give a taste of a fisherman’s life), scuba diving, boat trips and  boat trips, boat rental, fish retailing on the wharf, house rental)
beach tourism. Some fishers stated that pescaturismo is a way to       that produce an increase in their revenues. A totally different
supplement their incomes in spring and summer, when catches           feeling arises when the topic moves to recreational fishing: tour-
are low and tourists are numerous. However there was a wide-          ists dislike the capture of fish by non-professional fishers and
spread complaint about the intricate bureaucracy necessary to         generally feel that spearfishing is cruel and inopportune inside an
obtain the authorization. Initially, only Marettimo residents au-     MPA.
thorized for pescaturismo were allowed to take tourists on excur-
sions in zone A of Marettimo, and this was perceived as an in-            Underwater excursions in the E-MPA are strictly regulated and
justice by the other islanders. The 2015 regulations have extended    allowed only in a few sites designated by the MPA management
                                                                      body. Neither scuba diving nor snorkelling are permitted in the A

Please cite this article as: G. D’Anna, et al., Governance analysis in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area: A Mediterranean case study,
Mar. Policy (2016),
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