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Table 2
List and description of key policies and legislations that interact (i), articulate (a) and conflict (c) with the priority objective of the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area. DM:
ministerial decree. GU: Official Gazette, where all legislative acts are published. GURS: Official Gazette of the Sicilian Region, where all regional legislative acts are published.
DD: directorial decree; DL: legislative decree; DDG: executive decree.
Sector Title and key legal provisions Year Objectives
(i) Fisheries DM of 30 Aug 2012, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests. It 2012 Preservation of the stock turnover capacity; Reduction of fishing
enforces the technical measures contained in the Trapani Local effort; Enhancement of fishery workers economy; Increase of
(i) Fisheries Fisheries Management Plan (LFMP). Management body: Co.Ge. 2011 job opportunities; Job positions in fishing-related activities
(a) Conservation, Green Pa. (Consortium for the Management of Artisanal Fisheries) of 2008
Trapani Preservation of the recovery capacity of fish stocks; Enhance-
energy DM of 20 May 2011, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests. It 2001 ment of workers' welfare; Increase of job opportunities in fish-
enforces the national plans for the management of the offshore 2007 ery-dependent areas
(a) Conservation, Tourism trawling fleet (GSA 16: Strait of Sicily) and inshore fishing fleet 2012
(c) Non-living resources (Sicily), which include the Egadi archipelago 2010 Promotion of energy-saving policies, particularly in buildings;
(a) Notice on the implementation of projects on the use of 2012 Promotion of diversification, decentralization and decarboniza-
Conservation “green energy” (GU no. 68 of 20 Mar 2008), Ministry of the tion of electric energy supplies; Promotion of renewable en-
Environment. This is a notification of a call dedicated to pro- 2012 ergies and related technologies
(i) Fishing, Tourism tected area managers for the realization of projects on the use of 1999
green energy within protected areas, carrying into effect the DM Economic incentives to renewable energy and energy rationa-
(a) Conservation, Tourism no. 94 of 22 Feb 2008 lization in protected areas
(a) Fishing, Tourism (b) DD no. 982 of 21 Dec 2001 (GU no. 91 of 18 Apr 2002),
Ministry of the Environment. It contains a plan for the diffusion Promoting economic activities within Sites of Community In-
of renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainable mobi- terest (SCIs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
lity within Italian protected areas
Regional Act no. 13 of 8 May 2007 (GURS no. 22 of 11 May 2007). Protection of the Egadi seabed from extractive use of non-living
It contains measures on tourist and building industries, and marine resources except for licensors in the field of off-shore
modifications to Regional Act no. 10/2007 hydrocarbons that were in progress at the date of entry into
(a) Council of Ministers no. 35 of 15 Jun 2012. It a approves the force of this measure
measures for a sustainable growth in Italy, including the so- It prohibits prospecting, exploration and production of gas and
called “environmental corrective” crude oil within 12 miles off MPAs.
It aims at sustaining tourism and other economic activities that
(b) DL no. 128 of 29 Jun 2010. It prohibits extractive activities involve fishermen in small fishing areas
within 12 miles from the shoreline or from MPA boundaries.
DDG no. 531 of 10 Sep 2012, Regional Department of Fisheries. It It aims at improving joined actions for the protection, sustain-
approves the Plan for the sustainable development of the fishing able development and entrepreneurial promotion of the Sicilian
zones of “Towers and tuna traps of the Trapani coastline” GAC Ecological Network (Natura 2000).
(Coastal Action Group). Measure 4.1 of the European Fisheries It aims to enforce the regulations concerning tourist fishing
Fund (EFF) excursions.
DDG no. 83 of Feb 2012, Regional Department of Environment. It
approves a public call related to operational objective 3.2.2 -
intervention line of P.O. FESR Sicilia 2007/2013.
Act no. 164/1998 (GU no. 124 of 30 May 1998); DM no. 293 of 13
Apr 1999, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests. Regulation
of tourist fishing excursions (so-called Pescaturismo)
Table 3 harbours of Favignana and Trapani. Economic and political lobbies
were the main forces driving the trawlers’ action. Despite such
Stakeholder categories interviewed in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area. special concessions, trawling remained the main fisheries sector
conflicting with conservation. Some interviewees stated that ille-
n¼ number of interviewees in each category. gal trawling occurs frequently in the buffer (C) and restricted use
(B) zones, impacting heavily with coastal habitats, especially sea-
1) Fishermen (n¼ 3) grass meadows. The bodies charged with patrolling confirmed the
existence of illegal trawling and attributed the poor regulation
Trawlers enforcement to the lack of economic and human resources. Several
Small scale interviewees declared that the E-MPA is too large to be effectively
Recreational fishing protected and suggested a re-zonation based on a reduction of the
MPA area. Some interviewed fishermen attributed the severe re-
2) Public administration (n ¼3) duction of the local small-scale fishing fleet in the last decades to
the huge extension and drastic limitations imposed by the MPA.
E-MPA Management Body
Town council The conflict between small-scale fishery and conservation ap-
Province of Trapani peared less intense due to the use of selective fishing gears by
artisanal fishers and to the perception that the MPA generates
3) Local Fisheries Management Plan consortium (n¼ 1) alternative incomes (boat trips, etc.). Nonetheless there were
contrasting feelings towards the MPA among interviewed artisanal
4) Research bodies (n¼ 4) fishermen. At least three different attitudes were identified:
(i) fear of further fishing restrictions, (ii) happiness about the ex-
Public research institutions clusive fishing rights given to local fishermen, (iii) disappointment
Private research institutions for the lack of any positive incentives from MPA restrictions.
5) Enforcement bodies (n¼ 2) A conflict between recreational fishing and conservation was a
key theme from the interviews. All the most common recreational
Port Authority fishing techniques, except spearfishing, are allowed inside the
6) Fishermen associations (n¼ 2)
7) Tourism (n¼ 6)
Diving centres
Tourist fishing excursions (pescaturismo)
Boat rental
Accommodation structures
Tourist agencies
8) Non-profit organizations (n¼ 2)
Sports and cultural associations
Please cite this article as: G. D’Anna, et al., Governance analysis in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area: A Mediterranean case study,
Mar. Policy (2016),