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G. D’Anna et al. / Marine Policy ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 9
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Council; Carabinieri and Coast Guard of the Egadi Islands; the 110–125,
E-MPA staff; and last but not the least, all the interviewed stake- [10] A. Abdulla, M. Gomei, E. Maison, C. Piante, Status of Marine Protected Areas in
holders. Without the collaboration of all these people this study the Mediterranean Sea, IUCN, Malaga and WWF, Paris, 2008.
could not have been completed. This research was funded by the [11] G. Bustamante, P. Canals, G. Di Carlo, M. Gomei, M. Romani, H. Souan,
European Commission under the Monitoring and Evaluation of A. Vanzella Khouri, Marine protected areas management in the Caribbean and
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[14] S. Katsanevakis, V. Stelzenmuller, A. South, T.K. Sorensen, P.J.S. Jones, S. Kerr,
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T. Filatova, F. Fiorentino, H. Hulsman, K. Johnson, A.R. Karageorgis, I. Kroncke,
S. Mirto, C. Pipitone, S. Portelli, W. Qiu, H. Reiss, D. Sakellariou, M. Salomidi,
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R. ter Hofstede, Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: review of
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Please cite this article as: G. D’Anna, et al., Governance analysis in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area: A Mediterranean case study,
Mar. Policy (2016),