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G. D’Anna et al. / Marine Policy ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 3
Table 1
List of the main legislative acts, regulations and plans of particular importance to the establishment and fulfilment of the priority objective of the Egadi Islands Marine
Protected Area. DM: ministerial decree. GU: Official Gazette, where all legislative acts are published. DPR: presidential decree. DI: inter-ministerial decree. DDG: general
director decree.
Geographical Scale Title and legal provisions Year Contents
National: Italy DM of 1 Jun 2010 (GU no. 145 of 23 June 2010), Ministry of the 2010 Executive regulations of the Egadi Islands MPA
Environment-Rules for the enforcement and organization of the 2003
National: Italy Egadi Islands MPA Italian Regions are charged to designate sites of the Natura
DPR no. 120 of 12 Mar 2003 (GU no. 124 of 30 May 2003), 2000 network and to apply conservation and protection
National: Italy Ministry of the Environment-Modifications to DPR no. 357/1997 measures, including sectoral or integrated management
National: Italy Transfer of the Egadi Islands MPA management to the Fa-
DM of 16 Jun 2001, Ministry of the Environment-Entrusting the 2001 vignana Municipality
National: Italy management of the Egadi Islands MPA 1993 Rejection of the proposal of allowing trawling in the C zone
National: Italy DI’s of 6 Aug 1993 (GU no. 199 of 25 Aug 1993) and 17 May 1996 1996 and approves a provisional MPA regulation allowing for some
National: Italy (GU no. 263 of 9 Nov 1996) Ministries of the Environment and of changes to the B zone
Regional: Sicily the Merchant Navy-Modifications to conservation measures in 1991
the Egadi Islands MPA 1991 Establishment of the Egadi Islands MPA
Local: Egadi Islands MPA DI of 27 Dec 1991, Ministries of the Environment and of the 1982
management body Merchant Navy-Institution of the Egadi Islands MPA 2012 Art. 4 prohibits surveys and extraction of hydrocarbons in the
Act no. 9 of 9 Jan 1991 (GU no. 13 of 16 Jan 1991)-Im- Egadi Islands waters
Local: Municipality of plementation of the new national energy plan Provisions for the defence of the sea. Art. 31 identifies the
Favignana Act no. 979 of 31 Dec 1982 (GU no. 16 of 18 Jan 1983)-Provisions Egadi Islands MPA and the Pelagie MPA
for the defence of the sea Approval of the “Egadi Islands Management Plan”, which in-
DDG no. 434 of 08 Aug 2012, Regional Department for the cludes the “Archipelago of Egadi marine and terrestrial area”,
Territory and Environment “Island of Favignana”, “Island of Marettimo” and “Island of
Levanzo” Natura 2000 sites
Deliberation of the Director of the Egadi Islands MPA, 2010. 2012 Economic incentives for the surveillance of the MPA and the
Project “Vedette del mare” (Guardians of the sea) 2012 sighting of protected marine species in the area
Deliberation of Municipal Government of Favignana n. 33 of 29 Integrative regulations for the organization of the activities
Feb 2012 allowed in the Egadi Islands MPA.
1.4. Research methods the Ministry of the Environment. This initial approach proved to
be highly ineffective because of-inter alia-the lack of enforcement,
A document analysis of reports, meeting minutes, institutional patrolling and control of the activities going on in the MPA. In the
documents and newspapers was undertaken to collect all the re- second period (2001–2010) the MPA management was transferred
levant information linked to E-MPA governance. Twenty-three to the Municipality of Favignana. During this period the govern-
semi-structured interviews were conducted in April 2012 amongst ance system was exploited by the political party ruling the local
eight stakeholder groups in order to understand their perspectives government for its own political objectives disregarding economic
on E-MPA management and related issues (Table 3). The interview development opportunities. The instability of such a system and
reports were then analyzed and all information useful to the the related uncertainty prevented the issue of a management plan
governance analysis was extracted. The following sections sum- and of an executive regulation and resulted in the ungovernability
marize the findings from the interviews. The involved researchers of the MPA. The ineffectiveness of the 1991–2010 management has
had no role in the E-MPA designation or management. Neutrality been clearly highlighted by the interviewees. The third period
and objectivity were prioritized in order to reduce any bias in the (2010 to date) has been characterized by an opening to public
analysis. participation, the appointment of a Director recommended by the
Ministry of the Environment and the adoption of the first E-MPA
2. Case study process and governance executive regulation. This period has been perceived positively by
all stakeholders interviewed, which appreciated especially the
The structure of the governance system in the E-MPA is hier- shift towards a bottom-up approach in the revision of the E-MPA
archical and is led by the Ministry of the Environment. Fig. 2 zoning scheme promoted by the MPA management body.
shows the bodies and authorities formally involved in the man-
agement and functioning of the MPA, and the links between them. 3. Conflict analysis
The MPA President-that is the Mayor of Favignana-assigns the 3.1. Intersectoral primary and secondary conflicts
MPA director and links the Municipality to the MPA. The MPA
Commission is an advisory board that includes nine delegates of The main intersectoral conflicts in the study area are related to
different authorities and categories, including one economic sta- fishing, tourism and biodiversity conservation. Primary (fishing vs.
keholder, two scientists and one representative of en- conservation, tourism vs. conservation) and secondary (fishing vs.
vironmentalist organizations. A Technical-scientific Committee tourism) conflicts as well as their driving forces-or lobbies-were
provides advice to the MPA Management Body, the Director and identified (Fig. 3).
the MPA Commission. The Harbour Master’s Office of Trapani is
charged with the enforcement of the regulatory framework of the Trawler, small-scale and recreational fisheries conflict with
MPA, as well as of Sicilian and national fishery regulations. conservation. According to the interviewees, the main reason for
such conflict is the size of the MPA. After a trawler strike that
The E-MPA management can be split into three periods since its blocked the harbour of Trapani in 1991 as a protest against the
establishment. The first period (1991–2001) was characterized by MPA zoning, an additional buffer (or “D”) zone was created, which
a top-down approach without any form of stakeholder participa- does not exist in any other Italian MPA and allows trawling-for-
tion to the design, planning and management of the MPA. The merly excluded from the MPA-by vessels registered in the
local Coast Guard was appointed as the MPA Management Body by
Please cite this article as: G. D’Anna, et al., Governance analysis in the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area: A Mediterranean case study,
Mar. Policy (2016),