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                       RESULTS                                   (2001) estimate that the latter specimen measured
                                                                 5.9 m TOT. This specimen was bought by a whole-
         Although the cast made by Kuttel presents               sale fishmonger in Sète, offered for sale in the Rungis
some deformations of the snout, lower jaw, and                   market, and bought by a supermarket in Montargis
lower surfaces, it is evident that the taxidermist skill-        (Licciardi, Azais, personal communication) . Touret
fully executed an accurate representation of the ori-            (1992) reported the same history for a specimen
ginai specimen on which he had the rare opportuni-               caught in Antibes during the same month, but accor-
ty to work. The deformations, particularly of the                ding to F. Calviera, a fisherman in Antibes since
head, can be readi ly attributed to the parti al deterio-        1956, it was nota Great White Shark that was caught
ration to which the shark was undoubtedly subjected              there. Consequently it seems that only one Great
after its death . Moreover, these deformations were              White Shark was caught in Sète in january 1991.
very probably accentuated by the specimen's storage
during transport to Lausanne. With respect to the                                   DISCUSSION
observable deformations of the lower parts of the
cast, it must be borne in mind that the taxidermist                       Worldwide, two other comparably large
received the shark after it was already gutted, with             White Sharks have been preserved complete: a 5.22
the belly cut and consequently deformed.                         m Tln female caught in Kvamer, Croatia, on May
                                                                 29'h 1906, preserved by taxidermy in the Trieste
         The morphometric measurements taken from                Natura! History Museum, ltaly (De Maddalena, 2000
the mould of the shark and on the largest of its upper           a, 2000 b), and a 5.3 m female caught near Cana-
anterior teeth are reported in table l. lt must be noted         néia, Brazil, on December S'h 1992 and preserved by
that some of the reported measurements present                   taxidermy in the Vietar Sadowsky Museum in Cana-
some differences with respect to the proportions of
the originai specimen, due to the observed deforma-              néia (Arfelli, Amorim, 1993; Mollet et al., 1996;
tions of the cast. Authors compared morphometric
measurements taken from this specimen to measure-                Mollet, personal communication). The shark descri-
ments taken from a well prepared 4.0 m TOT stuffed               bed in the present work, of which a mould is preser-
White Shark preserved in the Museum of Natura!                   ved in the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne, is lon-
History in Genoa, ltaly, with catalogue number C.E .             ger than both these specimens and so can be consi-
27517 (De Maddalena, 2000 b) and the resulting                   dered the largest of any complete white shark pre-
proportions were very close.                                     sently preserved.

         The 5.83 m value obtained for TOT confirm                        Some reliable cases of White Sharks exceeding
the accuracy of the length of 5.89 m reported for the            the size of the Lausanne specimen are reported in the
fresh-caught specimen in Anonymous (1956). The                   literature, but most of these were not measured accu-
small (6 cm) difference in TOT is attributable to                rately and therefore their claimed sizes are estimates
various factors, such as differences in the way mea-             and consequently cannot be regarded as precise. A
surements were taken, artefacts of preparation of the            large specimen caught in February 1839 off Civitano-
cast, the deformations noted, and differences in posi-           va, ltaly, was reported to measure approximately 6 m
tion of the specimen while the measurements were                 in length and was later estimated to be 6.02 m TL, but
taken.                                                           it is not clear if it was ever accurately measured (De
                                                                 Maddalena, 1998). An enormous specimen caught
         The specimen discussed in this work has been            off Piombino, ltaly, in 1886 was reported to measu-
reported previously in de Beaumont (1957), indica-               re approximately 8-9 m (Biagi, 1995), but to our
ting an approximate length of 5 manda weight of "at              knowledge it was never measured. A specimen
                                                                 caught off Enfola, ltaly, on August 12'h 1938 was esti-
least 1.5 tonnes", and Quignard et al. (1962), but the           mated to be 5.97-6.13 m TOT, but was never measu-
length reported by this source (490 cm) was erro-
neous; moreover it has been cited in Séret (1996).               red (De Maddalena et al., 2001 ). A female of approxi-
The specimen cited in Fergusson (1996) dated 1976                mately 6.408 m was reportedly caught off Cojimar,
and reportedly but unconfirmedly measuring 4.5                   Cuba, in 1945 (Bigelow, Schroeder, 1948; Guitart-
                                                                 Manday, Milera, 1974): even if the contestation of
metres is almost certainly based on the same speci-              this case presented by Randall (1987) is not accep-
men as that described in this work, reported with an             table (De Maddalena et al., 2001 ), it is not clear if the
erroneous date and length.
                                                                 specimen in question was ever accurately measured.
         This specimen is not the only White Shark               A male caught off Camogli, ltaly, on March 16'h 1954
recorded from Sète, as three other specimens have                was reported to measure 7 m in Tortonese (1965) but
been caught in the same area: a specimen about 4 m               its length was contested by Fergusson (1996). A fema-
long was captured in August 1875, a 2.42 m speci-                le caught off Ganzirri, ltaly, on )une 19'h 1961 was
men caught in 1876 were reported by Moreau, 1881;                estimated to be 6.66 m TOT, but was never measured
and a female specimen with a reported length of 6 m
was caught on january 9'h 1991 (Anonymous, 1991;                 (De Maddalena et al., 2001 ). Another specimen
Quignard, Raibaut, 1993; Séret, 1996). On the basis              caught off Ganzirri, ltaly, on March 9'h 1965 was
                                                                 reported to measure 6.20 m in length (Berdar, Ricco-
of photographic evidence, De Maddalena et al.

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