Page 4 - DeMaddalena2003
P. 4


Table l- Measurements of the cast of a large great white shark and its largest upper anterior tooth, on exhibition at the Museum
of Zoology in Lausanne (following teminology and parameters of Compagno, 1984, and Mollet et al., 1996). Ali measure-
ments are given in centimetres. l Mesures du moulage du grand requin blanc exposé au Musée de Lausanne, ainsi que des
plus grandes dents de la màchoire supérieure (selon la terminologie de Compagno, 1984, et Mal/et et al., 1996). Toutes /es
mesures sont données en centimètres.

Abbreviation  Measurement                                      cm %TOT

TOT           total length (caudal fin in depressed position)  583   l 00.00 %
Tln           total length (caudal fin in natural position)    565    96.91 0/o
FOR           fork length                                      510    87.48 %
PRC           precaudal length                                 458    78.56 0/o
PD2           pre-second dorsal length                         400    68.61 0/o
PD l          pre-first dorsal length                          220    37.74 %
HDL           head length                                      152    26.07 %
PGl           prebranchial length                              122    20.93 %
POB           preorbital length                                32       5.49 %
PPl           prepectoral length                               145    24.87 %
PP2           prepelvic length                                 330    56.60 %
SVL           snout-vent length                                340    58.32 %
PAL           preanal length                                   400    68.61 %
IDS           interdorsal space                                130    22 .30 o/o
DCS           dorsal-caudal space                               55      9.43 Ofo
PPS           pectoral-pelvic space                            155    26.59 %
PAS           pelvic-anal space                                 50      8.58 %
ACS           anal-caudal space                                 50      8.58 %
PCA           pelvic-caudal space                              100    17.15 Ofo
VCL           vent-caudal length                               225    38.59 %
PRN           prenarial length                                  22      3.77 %
POR           preoral length                                    35      6.00%
ING           intergill length                                  40      6.86 %
GSl           first gill slit height                            55      9.43 %
GS2           second gill slit height                           58      9.95 o/o
GS3           third gill slit height                            60     l 0.29 %
GS4           fourth gi Il si it height                         60     l 0.29 %
GS5           fifth gi Il si it height                          60    10.29 0/o
PlA           pectoral anterior margin                         l 05   18.01 0/o
PlB           pectoral base                                    45       7.72 Ofo
Pl i          pectoral inner margin                             25      4.29 %
PlP           pectoral posterior margin                         85    14.58 0/o
PlH           pectoral height                                   95     16.29 %
CDM           dorsal caudal margin                             125    21.44 o/o
CPV           preventral caudal margin                          80     13 .72 %
CPU           upper postventral caudal margin                   90    15.44 o/o
CPL           lower postventral caudal margin                   55      9.43 %
CFW           caudal fork width                                 50      8.58 %
CFL           caudal fork length                                55      9.43 %
CST           subterminal caudal margin                                 1.37 %
              subterminal caudal margin                          8      2.57 %
csw           terminai caudal margin                            15      4.29 o/o
              terminai caudal lobe                              25      5.15 o/o
CTR                                                             30

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