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bono, 1986) but Celona et al. (2001) hypothesised Manuel Fischer for the help in taking the measurements
that it was measured aver the curve of the body. A on the shark. Thanks also to Henry Mollet, Jeff Seigel,
specimen caught off Isola la Formica, ltaly, in May Gioacchino Cataldo, Sarah Fowler, Henri Cappetta,
1974 was reported to measure approximately 6.2- Gordon Hubbell, Geremy Cliff, Craig Ferreira, Louis
6.4 m (and later estimated to be 5.94 m TOT), but it Euzet, Serge Licciardi, Claude Azais and Francis Calvie-
is not known whether the length was measured as ra far the information furnished on large White Shark
TOT or as Tln (De Maddalena et al., 2001 ). A male specimens. Particular thanks are due from Alessandro
caught off Gallipoli, ltaly, on September 18'h 1979 De Maddalena to Alessandra Baldi.
was reported to measure 6.20 m in length (Piccinno,
Piccinno, 1979) but it is not known whether the leng- BIBLIOGRAPHY
th was measured in a straight line or aver the curve
of the body. A specimen caught off Dakar, Senegal, Anonymous, 1956 - Le requin capturé par des pecheurs
in 1982, was estimated to be longer than 8 m, but sétois a été acquis par le Musée de Lausanne. Midi
was never accurately measured (Barrull, Mate, 2001; fibre, 14 octobre 1956, 4.
De Maddalena et al., 2001 ). A female White Shark
caught on August 4'h 1983 off Alberton, Prince Anonymous, 1991 - Un requin blanc de six mètres dans le
Edward lsland, Canada, reported to measure 6.096 m chalut. M idi Libre, 1O janvier 1991.
in Mollet et al. (1996) was, according to Ellis,
McCosker (1991) never measured. A female caught Abela )., 1989 - Lo squalo bianco più grande del mondo.
in Gaansbai, South Africa, on january 17'h 1987, Aqua, 31: 20-21.
reportedly 5.67-6.00 m TOT (Gottfried et al., 1996;
Mollet et al., 1996), was likewise never measured Arfelli C.A., A. F. Amorim, 1993- Notes on the white shark
accurately (Ciiff, Ferreira, Mollet, personal communi- (Carcharodon carcharias) caught off Cananéia, Sao
cation). A female specimen caught on Aprii 1" 1987 Paulo-Brazil. In: Annua/ Meeting of the American
near Kangaroo lsland, Australia, was estimated to be Elasmobranch Society (abstract). University of Texas
longer than 6.9 m, but was never measured (Cappa, at Austin, May 27-June 2, 1993.
1988; Mollet et al., 1996). Another female White
Shark captured in Filfla, Malta, on Aprii 17'h 1987, Barrull )., l. Mate, 2001 - Tibur6n bianco un gran desco-
previously claimed to be accurately measured and nocido de la fauna marina mediterranea. Quercus,
reportedly 7.14 m in length (Abela, 1989), has since 184: 24-27.
fallen under serious doubt (Mollet et al., 1996; Fer-
gusson, 1998); later it was estimated to be 6.68-6.81 Berdar A. , F. Riccobono, 1986- Le meraviglie dello Stret-
m TOT, but it remains not clear if it was ever accu- to di Messina. EDAS, Messina, 672 pp.
rately measured (De Maddalena et al., 2001 ). A
female caught off Malindi, Kenya, on 16'h july 1996, Biagi V., 1995 -Memorie della "tonnara" di Baratti- 1835-
reportedly about 6.4 m in length and estimated 5.7 m 1939. Circolo Nautico Pesca Sportiva Baratti, Ventu-
Tln from vertebra! size, was never measured (Ciiff et rina, 96 pp.
al., 2000). Far a 5.80 m female caught in Favignana,
ltaly, on Aprii 24'h 1980 (De Maddalena, 2002; Catal- Bigelow H .B., W.C. Schroeder, 1948- Sharks. Fishes of the
do, personal communication), it is not known whe- Western North Atlantic (Part one: Lancelets, Ciclo-
ther the length was measured as TOT or as Tln. On stomes, Sharks). Memoir Sears Foundation for Marine
the basis of photographic evidence, the authors deem Research, Yale University, Yale, pp. 53-576.
that the measurement was TOT.
Cappo M., 1988 - Size and age of the white pointer shark
In conclusion, it seems that only two White Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus); was Peter Rise-
Sharks that were accurately measured exceed the ley's white pointer a world record? Safish, 13 (1 ):
length of the specimen that is described in this study. 11-1 3.
These are the following: a 5.944 m female captured
off Ledge Point, Australia on March 22"d 1984 (Ran- Celona A., N. Donato, A. De Maddalena, 2001 -In rela-
dall, 1987; Mollet et al., 1996), and a female caught tion to the captures of a great white shark, Car-
in Bunbury, Australia, on july 2"d 1991, that measu- charodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758), and a
red 5.74 m Tln (Mollet et al., 1996) and 5.29 fork shortfin mako, lsurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque,
length (FOR) (Hubbell, personal communication); 1809, in the Messina Strait. Annales, Ser. Hist.
the 5.54 m Tln reported far this specimen by Hub- nat., 11 (1 ): 13-1 6.
bell (1996) is very probably erroneous.
Cliff G., L.).V. Compagno, M.j. Smale, R.P. van der Elst,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS S.P. Wintner, 2000 - First records of white sharks,
Carcharodon carcharias, from Mauritius, Zanzibar,
Very special thanks to Rick Martin, who very Madgascar and Kenya. S. Afr.}. Sci., 96: 365-367.
kindly edited the English text of this work, and to
Compagno L.j.V., 1984 - Sharks of the world. An annota-
ted and illustrated catalogue of shark species known
to date. FAO species catalogue vo1.4, Part 1. FAO
Fish. Synopsis, 125: 1-250.
de Beaumont )., 1957 - Rapport des conservateurs pour
l'année 1956. Musées d'histoire nature/le de Lau-
sanne, 3-6.
De Maddalena A., 1998 - Il più grande esemplare ita-
liano di squalo bianco, Carcharodon carcharias
(Linnaeus, 1758) individuato nei reperti conserva-
ti presso il Museo di Anatomia Comparata
dell'Università "La Sapienza" di Roma. Mus. Scien-
tif, 15 (2): 195-198.