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Evolutionary patterns of Pseudamnicola  D. Delicado et al.

                In general, P. (Corrosella) species occur in isolated habi-  event that has not occurred often during the evolution of
              tats, present a clear biogeographic pattern of northern and  this family.
              southern phylogenetic clustering (shown in Delicado et al.
              2013) and genetically distinct species. On the other hand,  Temporal history and biogeographic origin.  All of the phylo-
              the geographic patterns of P. (Pseudamnicola) are not as  genetic inferences performed in this work have suggested
              explicit. A possible reason could be because the number of  the division of Pseudamnicola s. l. into three lineages, which
              samples examined is more limited, and thus, the entire dis-  may correspond to three different genera. Observing their
              tribution range of this subgenus has not been covered. It  patterns of diversification, each of these genera is likely to
              would be interesting to first, extend the study in the sampled  have experienced different evolutionary processes in space
              regions, and second, to genetically examine the species  and time. Based on the available taxonomic sampling per-
              described from Morocco and Algeria (Ghamizi et al. 1997;  formed for each lineage and the coalescence analysis
              Gl€ oer et al. 2010) in order to investigate whether the  (Fig. 3) using an evolutionary rate previously cited for hyd-
              current distribution of the group is a result of stochastic or  robiids, we estimate that the split leading to these three lin-
              tectonic processes. In any case, as no clear biogeographic  eages likely occurred during the Upper–Middle Miocene
              pattern is present among the studied populations, an alterna-  (28–17 Ma). Although not all of the described Pseudamnicola
              tive explanation for their distribution pattern may be long-  s. l. species have been included and not all of the areas of its
              distance colonization followed by isolation. As the principal  distribution range have been sampled in this work, our
              aim of this work is to study the relationships between species  results of the ancestral area estimation suggest that the Ibe-
              and their biogeographic distribution, no population genetic  rian Peninsula has played an important role in the diversifi-
              level analyses have been performed, thus we cannot hypoth-  cation of the group as it is, to date, the only region in
              esize which dispersal mode the populations of this subgenus  which all three proposed genera inhabit. Thus, given the
              have followed. Further research at the population level and  more restrictive distribution pattern of Corrosella and the
              over a larger geographic area is required.        distribution pattern of Didacus gen. n. (composed of Didacus
                Nevertheless, phylogenetic analysis of the group does  gasulli) with respect to that of Pseudamnicola, their evolution
              reveal the existence of three well-supported lineages within  may be a result of a peripatric (allopatric) speciation that
              the genus. Previous anatomical studies (Delicado et al.  occurred in the Iberian Peninsula (as shown in Fig. 3). Dur-
              2012, 2014) reflect substantial differences between the sub-  ing the Oligocene and Miocene (between 35 Ma and
              genera and highlighted P. (P.) gasulli as a different entity  5.33 Ma), the Iberian Peninsula suffered a compressive per-
              bearing evidences of divergence. Taking all these results  iod with the loss as well as adhesion of several continental
              into account, we suggest that the three lineages may corre-  fragments (Hevia 2004) in which most of the Iberian moun-
              spond to three different genera, raising Corrosella to the  tain ranges originated, thereby affecting the region’s hydro-
              category of genus once again (as in Boeters 1970) and  logical system. The creation of these physical barriers may
              removing P. (P.) gasulli from P. (Pseudamnicola), thus mak-  have caused an isolation process followed by vicariance by
              ing itself a new genus here designated as Didacus n. gen. In  which the geographic range of the last common ancestor of
              addition to the anatomical and morphological characteris-  the three genera was fragmented in a relatively short period
              tics that sufficiently distinguish them as different genera,  of time, thus leading to the separate lineages. However, it
              the genetic divergences that exist between them (uncor-  seems that some populations not only remained isolated but
              rected distances ranged between 11.1% and 14.3% for  also evolved and adapted to new habitat conditions in a
              COI and between 6.7% and 8.4% for 16S) are similar to  mountainous environment (as in the case of the genus Cor-
              those reported between other genera. For instance,  rosella). It is noteworthy that our results revealed significant
              between genera belonging to the sister subfamily Hydrobii-  differences in habitat features (altitude and conductivity)
              nae (based on phylogenies in Wilke et al. 2001, 2013; Szar-  between genera (Table 1), which may be a consequence of
              owska 2006), for example Adriohydrobia, Hydrobia, Peringia  an adaptive process. Therefore, this may be a case in which
              and Ventrosia, molecular distances range between 10.4%  there is some implicit degree of natural selection in allopat-
              and 14.8% for COI and 2.3% and 5.8% for 16S (uncor-  ric speciation, as postulated by Wright (1931).
              rected pairwise distances, Wilke 2003). Therefore, the sub-  With respect to Corrosella species, the inclusion of addi-
              family Pseudamnicolinae would be composed of three  tional Pseudamnicola sequences to the *BEAST analyses did
              genera, one strict freshwater and two euryhaline freshwa-  not substantially change the divergence times previously
              ter. Thus, within the current phylogeny for hydrobiids  estimated for the three major cladogenetic events leading
              (Wilke et al. 2013), these two subfamilies are very interest-  to diversification within the Corrosella clade (see Delicado
              ing from an evolutionary perspective because they may  et al. 2013). In the analysis here, these events are estimated
              represent a transition between two different environments,  to have occurred slightly earlier (ca. 12 Ma, 6 Ma and

              412                                                        ª 2015 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 44, 4, July 2015, pp 403–417
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