Page 7 - Delicado_Machordom_2015
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D. Delicado et al.  Evolutionary patterns of Pseudamnicola

            Fig. 2 Phylogenetic relationships of Pseudamnicola species based on Bayesian inference of the combined data set (top) and the mitochondrial
            fragments (COI and 16S) and the nuclear 28S (bottom). In the combined inference, bootstrap supports of the branches resulted >90% and
            BPPs > 0.9, except for those branches highlighted through: black circles, in which MP and ML bootstraps range between 50% and 90%
            and BPPs between 0.5 and 0.9; and black squares, in which bootstraps also range between 50% and 90%, but posterior probabilities are
            >0.9. In the individual trees of the bottom, asterisks represent bootstrap values and BBPs of branches > 90% and >0.9, respectively. Arrows
            point to branches with no rate constancy (result from relative rate test).

            P. (Pseudamnicola) species, with a ML bootstrap value and  and the relaxed molecular clock approach applied. After
            BPPs near 80% and 0.8, respectively. All the species were  performing the analysis, the substitution rates inferred for
            grouped as a polytomy within their corresponding clades  each partition (substitution/Myr) were 0.3% for 16S and
            (Fig. 2).                                        0.17% for 28S. Given that the posterior values of the
                                                             parameters ucld.stdev and coefficients of variation in all the
            Combined data set.  All the multilocus inferences recovered  markers were greater than zero, evolution has not been
            a total of 26 species of Pseudamnicola s. l., 20 of them previ-  clocklike for these genes. Furthermore, 28S had higher
            ously identified through integrative methods and six discov-  deviation from a strict clock model as its coefficient of vari-
            ered as new taxa. ABGD analysis confirmed the assignment  ation was greater than 1.
            of the sequences in these new six species; however, some of  The topology of the chronogram with corresponding
            the previously known species were split in two groups,  confidence intervals analysed in *BEAST is shown in
            increasing the number of species suggested by ABGD  Fig. 3. Using an estimated rate of 0.81  0.24% substitu-
            analysis to 36, eight additional species for the subgenus  tion/Myr for the COI fragment, and rate estimations for
            Corrosella and two for Pseudamnicola. Moreover, there were  16S and 28S, the most basal split leading to the three
            obvious disparities between the nuclear and mitochondrial  major clades within Pseudamnicola was calculated to have
            gene trees related to the phylogenetic position of P. (P.)  occurred ca. 22 Ma (HPD: 28–17 Ma), during the Upper
            gasulli. Because of these disparities, the ILD test showed no  Miocene. Contrary to the rest of the phylogenetic infer-
            congruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data.  ences, the reconstruction by coalescence showed high pos-
            Nevertheless, this does not mean than the resulting phy-  terior probabilities at the level of these three lineages,
            logeny was incongruent. As shown in Fig. 2, the phylogeny  associating the species P. (P.) gasulli to the P. (Pseudamnico-
            of the genus was well resolved at basal nodes; however, the  la) lineage and dating their subsequent split ca. 17 Ma (23–
            evolutionary relationships among the three lineages consti-  13 Ma). However, this result requires further investigation
            tuting Pseudamnicola were ambiguous.             as currently only one species composes the clade of P. (P.)
             The biogeographic pattern reflected by the MP, ML and  gasulli. Thus, this fact may be why the relative rate test
            BI topologies was more explicit in the subgenus P. (Corro-  showed significant differences on evolutionary rates when
            sella) than in P. (Pseudamnicola). In contrast to P. (Corrosel-  comparing the P. (P.) gasulli lineage with each of the other
            la), P. (Pseudamnicola) species did not show an apparent  two lineages, but showed no significant differences when
            biogeographic pattern, for instance: (i) the species P. (P.)  comparing P. (Corrosella) and P. (Pseudamnicola). Nonethe-
            beckmanni (from Majorca) that was genetically closer to the  less, the topology of each of the lineages displayed dissimi-
            species occurring in Tunisia, Sicily and mainland Italy than  larities in tempo and mode of species diversification.
            to P. (P.) meloussensis (from Minorca), which is found in the  The age of the most recent common ancestor of P. (Cor-
            same archipelago of islands, (ii) the same species can be  rosella) species was estimated to be older (ca. 13 Ma) than
            found in different regions, such as P. (P.) sp. 5, in mainland  the age of the P. (Pseudamnicola) species ancestor, excluding
            Italy and Sardinia, and (iii) some species of P. (Pseudamnico-  P. (P.) gasulli (ca. 6 Ma). Consequently, the first cladoge-
            la) seem to live sympatrically in the same locality, such as  netic events that occurred during P. (Corrosella) evolution
            P. (P.) sp. 2 and P. (P.) sp. 4, which both inhabit the same  were likely older than those for P. (Pseudamnicola). More-
            locality (Borkane ditch) of Tunisia.             over, these two lineages may have experienced a radiation
                                                             event near the base of each lineage, as the relative rate test
            Divergence time estimation                       showed rapid diversification at basal levels of both clades.
            The non-constancy of the substitution rate has been dem-  In any case, the radiation event that occurred during the
            onstrated as the relative rate test showed significant differ-  origin of P. (Pseudamnicola) involved more species and a
            ences in evolutionary rates between tree branches along the  relatively shorter period of time (ca. 8–3 Ma), characteriz-
            phylogeny (branches that showed significant differences in  ing the major cladogenetic event for this group. The most
            evolutionary rates are highlighted in Fig. 2). Thus, the  recent splits between sibling species of P. (Pseudamnicola)
            model of constant rate of diversification may be rejected  were likely to have occurred from ca. 5 Ma to 0.08 Ma. All

            ª 2015 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 44, 4, July 2015, pp 403–417                      409
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