Page 12 - Delicado_Machordom_2015
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Evolutionary patterns of Pseudamnicola D. Delicado et al.
for her help during the laboratory work and T. Hauffe for
Genus Corrosella Boeters, 1970
Pseudamnicola (Corrosella) (Boeters, 1970). his contribution in the biogeographic analyses. The English
was reviewed by M. Modrell. Two anonymous reviewers
Type species. Corrosella falkneri Boeters, 1970. contributed to the improvement of this manuscript. Addi-
tionally, this work was funded by the grants of the MIC-
New diagnosis. Shell ovate-conic, generally eroded and INN project Fauna Ib erica X (CGL2010-22267-C07-01)
longer than wide; female genitalia with pyriform bursa cop- and the JAE Predoctoral fellowship (JAEPre047) to D.D.
ulatrix, pigmented renal oviduct and one short seminal
receptacle, either elongated or pyriform; prostate gland References
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The authors especially thank T. Wilke and his team for
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ing the laboratory work. We thank M. Bodon, M. Vila and Carranza, S., Arnold, E. N., Wade, E. & Fahd, S. (2004). Phyloge-
N. Khalloufi for providing material and their support in ography of the false smooth snakes, Macroprotodon (Serpentes,
the fieldwork. We are also very grateful to S. Nachtigall Colubridae): mitochondrial DNA sequences show European
414 ª 2015 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 44, 4, July 2015, pp 403–417