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98 G. Di Maida et al. / Marine Environmental Research 87-88 (2013) 96e102

Fig. 2. Histograms of frequency of shoots age on the three different substrata. The    included at fixed factors and location treated as a random
vertical line represents the general mean of shoots age.                               component orthogonal to substratum. Moreover, if the age of
                                                                                       shoots sampled was different among substrata, it was included as
analyses were made only on meadows sampled in July, to avoid any                       fixed factor in the models in order to control its confounding. An
confounding effect due to seasonality (Fernández-Torquemada                            example of the use of the mixed models in the analysis of shoot age
et al., 2008). In particular lengths and width of all leaves in each                   confounding is provided by Tomasello et al. (2007). For the analysis
shoot were measured. In this way the shoot surface was then                            of the leaf biometry only three locations (Mondello, Solanto and
calculated. Moreover, the number of leaves without their apex were                     Trappeto) were considered, while a further location (Favignana)
noted and their percentage was then obtained (coefficient A;                            was added for the lepidochronological analysis.
Giraud, 1977).
                                                                                           Rhizome elongation, leaf length and shoot surface were modeled
2.2. Statistical analysis                                                              through a Linear Mixed Model assuming a normal distribution of
                                                                                       the response variables, as suggested by ShapiroeWilk test out-
    Possible differences in growth performance, leaf biometry and                      comes. On the other hand, leaf production and shoot density
shoot density, among different substrata were tested using GLMMs                       showed non-normal distributions (ShapiroeWilk Test), thus the
and LMMs (Generalized and Linear Mixed Models).                                        Generalized Linear Mixed Model was applied (Diggle, 1988;
                                                                                       Fahrmeier and Tutz, 1994). The application of GLMM does not need
    Shoots were sampled within larger units represented by the                         any transformation of variables non-Normally distributed, thus
locations. Plants belonging to the same location may thus be                           maintaining them in the natural scale, which represents an ideal
correlated. Mixed Models allow remarkable statistical gains of                         condition in order to make easier the interpretation of results
precision in estimation and power in testing taking into account the                   (Bolker et al., 2009; Lovison et al., 2011). In order to obtain identi-
autocorrelation of shoots within location (Tomasello et al., 2007; Di                  fiable parameters, results were referred to the intercept, a baseline
Carlo et al., 2011; Lovison et al., 2011). The selection model process                 category which, in our case, was the rocky substratum. Finally, dif-
performed by Akaike Information Criterion for clustered data (AIC;                     ferences in frequencies distribution of leaves having lost their apex
Azari et al., 2006) led us to choose models with substratum                            among substrata were checked by non-parametric chi-square test.

                                                                                       3. Results

                                                                                           Overall, 175 orthotropic shoots, for a total of 1341 annual
                                                                                       rhizome segments, were analyzed using the lepidochronological

                                                                                           A preliminary exploratory analysis showed that the grand mean
                                                                                       of shoot age was 7.6 years, with evident heterogeneity across
                                                                                       different substrata varying from 1 to 38 years (Fig. 2). More spe-
                                                                                       cifically, shoots sampled on matte have a similar mean value to the
                                                                                       grand mean, while those sampled on a sandy or rocky substratum
                                                                                       show mean values above and below the central position

                                                                                       3.1. Growth performance

                                                                                           Vertical growth of plants growing on rock was on average
                                                                                       8.2 Æ 0.7 mm/year/shoot (intercept), which resulted statistically
                                                                                       lower than growth estimated on sand and matte, with differences
                                                                                       of 6.0 Æ 2.7 and 2.4 Æ 0.9 mm/year/shoot respectively (P < 0.001)
                                                                                       (Table 1). The LMM used to model growth performance indicated

Table 1

Results from the best LMM and GLMM fit for the variables analyzed. For fixed effects in each variable the intercept coefficient (SE in bracket) represents the mean value
estimated on rock; the coefficients for sand and matte represent their deviation from rock; while the coefficient of shoot age is the expected variation for every year of aging.
Random effects, expressed as standard deviation, are variance components reflecting differences of fixed effects among locations (StdDev <1 Â 10À3 were set to zero). Variance
components not significant show no fixed effects variations among locations.

Effect         Rhizome elongation  Leaf production                      Shoot surface     Leaf length  Leaf width        Shoot density
               (mm/year/shoot)     (n/year/shoot)                       (cm2/shoot)       (cm)         (cm)              (n. shoots/m2)

               Coefficient P Coefficient P Coefficient                                    P Coefficient    P Coefficient P Coefficient          P

Fixed effects

Rock (Intercept) 8.22 (0.68)  *** 8.27 (0.43) *** 243.88 (13.82) *** 56.34 (2.36) *** 0.93 (0.04) *** 222.27 (15.83) ***

Sand           þ6.04 (2.69)   *    À0.21 (0.59) n.s. þ45.22 (19.02) *                     þ15.93 (3.28) *** À0.04 (0.05) n.s. þ100.16 (78.02) n.s.

Matte          þ2.37 (0.85)   **   À0.30 (0.54) n.s. þ113.57 (20.73) *** þ17.49 (2.93) *** þ0.04 (0.05) n.s. þ33.74 (45.65) n.s.

Shoot age (year) À0.45 (0.05) *** À0.04 (0.04) n.s. À3.68 (1.78)                       *  À0.42 (0.31) n.s. 0.00 (0.00)  n.s. e           e

Random effects (StdDev)

Rock           0.97           *** 0.23              n.s. 0                             n.s. 0          n.s. 0.07         n.s. 27.62       ***
                                          0.49                0.01                               0               0.04              53.44
Sand           5.06                       0.20                19.19                              0               0.06              86.84
                                          GLMM                LMM                                LMM             LMM               GLMM
Matte          0.72

Model          LMM

Significance codes: ***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; n.s. P > 0.05.
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