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100 G. Di Maida et al. / Marine Environmental Research 87-88 (2013) 96e102

          Fig. 4. Mean values (ÆSE) of shoot surface, leaf length, leaf width and coefficient A estimated for each substratum in three locations.

sand and matte. A number of factors linked to sediment dynamic                    uptake (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Touchette, 2007; Touchette
may explain this reduction. It is general opinion that variations in              and Burkholder, 2000). Indeed, sediment pore water has a much
P. oceanica rhizome vertical elongation are strictly dependent on                 higher nutrient concentration than the water column (Romero
sedimentation. Plants exposed to different sediment rates are able                et al., 2006).
to modulate their growth to counteract leaf meristem burial
(Boudouresque et al., 1984; Di Carlo et al., 2011; Manzanera et al.,                  In contrast, P. oceanica shoots anchored visibly on rock outcrops
2011; Marbà and Duarte, 1997). Sandy substrata are composed of                    are exposed to particular environmental conditions of deposition,
different textures depending on hydrodynamic regime (De Falco                     re-suspension and sediment removal, thus preventing its accu-
et al., 2008), but their presence generally derives from accumu-                  mulation. Under these circumstances an important abiotic com-
lating processes that may be enhanced by the P. oceanica canopy                   pound where nutrients can be storage is left deficient, with the
itself (Duarte et al., 1999; Gacia et al., 1999). Also matte edification is        consequent limitation of the plant’s nutrient acquisition capacity
the result of a substantial long-term positive sedimentation balance              (Romero et al., 2006), which may be responsible for the significant
in the interstitial within the roots and rhizomes system                          decrease in growth performance.
(Boudouresque and Meinesz, 1982) which provides mechanical
support for the vertical accretion of plants. Moreover, in both cases                 Although the components of variance suggest spatial hetero-
the presence of sediment is indicative of nutrient availability for               geneity in how much growth performance differed among sub-
seagrass, since the root system plays the dominant role in nutrient               strata, it should be noted that in all locations P. oceanica growth on
                                                                                  rock never exceeded that on sand and matte. Hence, it can be
Table 2                                                                           argued that P. oceanica on rock most likely exhibits endogenous
Frequencies distributions of leaves with and without their apex among substrata.  growth, defined as growth without sedimentation stimulation
Chi-square test is performed in each location.                                    (sensu Boudouresque and Jeudy de Grissac, 1983). Earlier studies
                                                                                  reported that endogenous growth may range from 5 to
Location                            Substratum       c2 d.f. P                    7 mm yearÀ1 (Boudouresque and Jeudy de Grissac, 1983; De Falco
                                                                                  et al., 2008), while here we observe a range of 6e10 mm yearÀ1
                                    Rock Sand Matte                               (Fig. 3), suggesting that it can vary along latitudinal and longitu-
                                                                                  dinal gradient.
Mondello Leaf apex Broken 36 40 45                   2.7 2  n.s.
                                     Whole 32 22 24  2.6 2  n.s.                      Differences among substrata are also evident for leaf biometric
                                                     2.5 2  n.s.                  features. Leaf length is lower on rock than on matte and sand, and
Solanto Leaf apex Broken 37 29 50                                                 the model estimated that leaf length of shoots on rock is on average
                                     Whole 26 27 26                               23% less than on sand and matte. This pattern become more evident
                                                                                  for shoot surface, especially between rock and matte, where the
Trappeto Leaf apex Broken 26 16 23                                                degree of difference is greater than 32% in all locations. This
                                     Whole 54 59 57

Significance code: n.s. ¼ P > 0.05.
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