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FIGURE 4 Location of 2 underwater itineraries at Levanzo Island  FIGURE 7 Example of an underwater path for divers, with icons
                                                                               of most relevant species and videos

Two illustrated books dedicated
to underwater itineraries at Egadi Islands’ MPA

All the information collected on each underwater
itinerary (i.e., a list of species, bathymetric distribution
of species, type of seabed, depth, orientation, and
morphology of the path) were combined in a digital
format and published [8, 9], (Figures 5, 6).

FIGURE 5 The book of underwater itineraries at Favignana Island  FIGURE 8 Example of an underwater transect, where all main
              Source: Cocito et al., 2012                                      species and features of the seabed are indicated
                                                                               Source: Cocito et al., 2012
FIGURE 6 The book of underwater itineraries at Marettimo
              and Levanzo Islands
              Source: Cocito et al., 2014

72 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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