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Research & development

FIGURE 1 Flow diagram of management options for seagrass            the keyword P. oceanica, a patent review was carried out
               wrack (POSIDuNE, 2014). The dashed lines represents  on dedicated web pages [11] [12] [13] in order to detect
               the potential solutions that have been implemented   and analyse 45 products deposited between 1944 and
               during GERIN                                         2013. Twenty-one of these patents are dated back to the
                                                                    last two decades (between 1993 and 2013; Figure 2).
Such options are described in Circular no. 08123 issued             The most significant details of some patents deposited
by the Italian Ministry of the Environment on 17th March,           to date are briefly reported as follow.
2006 that, for all the cases, constrains local authorities          In 1998, Dounas proposed an integrated planting
and municipalities to define the legal procedure for                system through the use of metal pipes on sandy seabed
displacement of the vegetal beached biomasses in                    [14] (EP - 897 034 B1; Figure 3).
relation to specific cases [10].                                    Meinesz et al. in 1993, through the company’s Dragon-
From a technical point of view, many licences have been             Sub Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands,Spain),applied
produced in the last 20 years concerning the use of                 a national patent (ES 2069504) that describes a detailed
new technologies for Posidonia oceanica conservation,               procedure to repopulate the seabed of seagrass by
management or transplanting on the sea floor. By using              using individual metal supports to fix single plants on
                                                                    the sandy bottom (Figure 4). This paper [15] presents
                                                                    many similarities with the European patent presented
                                                                    by the same author through the University of Nice in
                                                                    1992 and published in 1994 (FR 2695536 B1).
                                                                    Vicente and Torres, Oficina Técnica de Edificacio of
                                                                    the Ciutata Vella (Valencia, Spain), in 2006 deposited
                                                                    a national patent (ES 2259524) on a mooring system
                                                                    for light boats, that is aimed at the preservation of the
                                                                    meadow in order to avoid damage to the biocenosis
                                                                    on the seabed (especially when colonized by seagrass
                                                                    Posidonia oceanica in particular) by using a system of
                                                                    lifting chains and ropes sealed on the sea floor [16]
                                                                    (Figure 5).

FIGURE 2 Main patents on conservation, transplanting and reuse of Posidonia oceanica  FIGURE 3  4VKPÄLK-PN\YL[VWHUK
                                                                                                    Figure 3 (down) from license
                                                                                                    EP–897034 B1

84 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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