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In 2013, Magliola et al. of

                                                                                 Saipem SpA, presented a

                                                                                 European patent (EP548435

                                                                                 A1) concerning the use of pre-

                                                                                 fabricated structures, weighed

                                                                                 down by blocks of limestone,

                                                                                 that is located directly on the

                                                                                 sea bottom through mechanical

                                                                                 devices. Such structures form

                                                                                 modules on which rhizomes,

                                                                                 cuttings or plants of Posidonia               Research & development

                                                                                 can be replanted randomly, or in

FIGURE 4  4VKPÄLK-PN\YLSLM[HUK-PN\YLYPNO[VMSPJLUJL,:   rows, through the use of plastic

                                                                                 inserts [19] (Figure 8).

                                                                                 The GE.RI.N subproject, Natural

                                                                    Resources Management, as part of the “Eco-innovation

                                                                    Sicily” project, carried out by ENEA with the aim

                                                                    of developing technologies to promote sustainable

                                                                    tourism, has provided specific actions for use and

                                                                    restoration of beaches aimed at increasing the carrying

                                                                    capacity. Environmental sustainability and management

                                                                    of biological resources are two main deliverables of the


FIGURE 5  4VKPÄLKMYVT          FIGURE 6  4VKPÄLKMYVTSPJLUJL  Therefore, particular emphasis has been dedicated
              licence ES 2259524                EP 2 078 452 B1     to the implementation of new processes and products
                                                                    derived by Banquettes management (Figure 9). The

                                                                    need to manage the beached biomass leads ENEA and

In 2010, Meier claimed a substrate of plant and/or the Municipality of Favignana, as the managing body

soil for the germination, growth and/or cultivation of of the Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area (MPA), to

plants in emerged (crops) environment that contains complete some experiments to reuse wrack for the

different percentages of fibres deriving from Posidonia restoration of emerged and submerged coastal habitats

oceanica, Posidonia australis and/or Cymodocea nodosa in Favignana Island.

(EP 2078452 B; Figure 6). There

is no specific reference in this

patent for sea immersion and the

replanting and/or restoration of

the meadow [17].

Faidutti et al. in 2012, through the

company Saipem SpA (ENI Group,

Italy), presented a method for the

transplantation that involves the

placement on the seabed of clumps

of Posidonia through a complex

automated system mobilised by a

ship or a floating pontoon [18] (EP

2510770 A1; Figure 7).                FIGURE 7  4VKPÄLKMYVT-PN\YLSLM[HUK-PN\YLYPNO[VMSPJLUJL,7(

                                                                                 85EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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