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Research & development
beached biomasses realised
under the GERIN Project. It
may have different size and
/ or shape and is suitable on
rocky areas and as a substrate
for transplanting shoots
and rhizomes and plants of
P. oceanica and/or other vegetal
species on the sea bottom. The
most promising application of
the multifunctional structure is
onshore, where it can be used to
increase the carrying capacity
of beaches and rocky shores, to
create walk-paths or deckchairs
for recreational activities.
Such application, essential for
maintaining the presence of the
meadow, which is an indicator
of the health status of the sea,
FIGURE 13 A and B) Schematic representation of in situ deposit displacement carried out is also crucial to reduce coastal
in Favignana to avoid access of tourists close to unstable rocky shores erosion through the root system
and positioning of mats on rocky outcrops to increase the beach. C) Example that holds the removal of sand
of immersion of the bio-mats on the seabed. D) Example of application during storms. In addition, the
strategies is promising, as many
Discussion and conclusions infrastructures and works are
often not approved due to the environmental impact
they may have on the Posidonia oceanica meadow,
The work presented in this paper is a part of a which is an ecosystem with a very high economic
multidisciplinary project related to the characterisation value.Therefore, if the monitoring of such intervention
and the restoration of coastal areas. A natural structure will confirm the positive trend of preliminary results, a
has been realized in order to produce “mats” stuffed new technology can be applied and/or implemented
with seagrass collected from the beaches. for seagrass replants by using the sea immersion
The choice of the product on the free market is subject to approach.
various factors and a wide variability of characteristics Based on the adopted methodology, and the actions
and price may occur. Nowadays, many products with of management and environmental restoration
similar characteristics are available on the market. described above, the GE.RI.N project was awarded
They are made of jute, coconut and other natural with the Green Coast Award 2013. After this prestigious
fibres which provide jerseys with known weights per recognition, a collaboration between ENEA and the
unit area, expected duration in humid or submerged Science in Product Design Dept. of University of Rome
environments, and other technical specifications that “Sapienza” started on summer 2014 in order to create
can lead to identify eligible materials to be used for a new generation of biocompatible products that could
different purposes. increase the carrying capacity of rocky shores and
A patent with several claims has been deposited, create multifunctional structures for coastal areas with
concerning the multifunctional structure made of low environmental impact. In particular, De Simone
88 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015